
1000 words. Go.

Or when you use this:

It’s definitely her fault, she made the decision to drive drunk. However, it looks like Car2Go essentially lets you take a car without any human interaction. You just flash your card in front of a reader mounted behind the windshield and the car opens up. I could the family’s point in this case. There’s no clerk or

Agreed. I went through a nasty and humiliating breakup and I decided take a weekend off, grabbed a bottle of scotch and climb into bed. I even made sure my cats wouldn’t get hurt but confining myself to the couch (the rest of the house was/is theirs.)

How is she pleading not guilty? No snark, I'm generally curious.

What an awful person...she admitted she was drunk, she tested waaaay over the limit, kills her friend and then pleads “not guilty”. I don’t care if she was handling a “rough breakup”; I’ve been dumped on my ass and not driven drunk. What’s she going to do if she has to live through a nasty divorce, pull out an Uzi at

C’mon. It’s the idiot driver’s fault, not the rental company. I know they’re grieving and losing a loved one sucks, but this is not going to make it right.

Other than an issue with generic vs brand name, I haven’t had an issue, but - girl. Call them and inquire why you are being charged when, according to the law that was passed YEARS AGO, it should be free. I’d personally love to see what they say. Nothing bad can come of calling!

Math and farts.

How would one insert their own IUD?

Is there anyone here who has successfully gotten their BC for free? I ask because I’m ready to take my insurance to task over this but I’m not sure where to start. If you did this, what steps did you take to finally get your BC for free?

Birth control should be in vending machines. Everywhere. For Free.

Oh. OOOOOOOOH!!! I get it now!

write this article

I’m So Sorry That I Didn’t Know What a Beachy Wave Was Until Today

Math and science and whose dads car is faster. Hygiene comes in college (mostly), and “women’s things” comes sometime.

Thank you for teaching me what beachy waves are.

Yeah, seriously. Read a magazine or something. :\

8. Beachy waves

Well clearly now I have to start.