The best thing about this is what a goddamn rad flow chart it could make.
The best thing about this is what a goddamn rad flow chart it could make.
Lost. Since they last time they were found.
Well, first of all, congratulations on finding a great guy AND having twins! That’s so great that you got through a high risk pregnancy. And also, thank you for the encouragement and good wishes. :)
I think every garment/accessory I've seen while out shopping in the past three months and thought, "Who the fuck would wea....oh. Coachella." was showcased here.
Well, true except he was kicked off the force, immediately. Which is more than can be said for most cases of police brutality or murders. I doubt that would have happened without the video.
I think what makes me extra horrified when I think about this is that he would have gotten away with it if there hadn’t been a video.
Agree, completely. This kind of scenario is just murder via abuse of power.
Thank you very much!
Thanks for the encouragement! :)
Aww, that’s lovely.
Well.....I dunno. Do you have a gif for that?
That’s not entirely true. Clinics usually will turn people away who aren’t good candidates for success regardless of age. Most of the ones I’ve checked into in my area don’t have a limit on age up to around the late 40s. After which point, it’s a bit of a different story, of course.
Thank you for that link.
That’s another good point. I feel like we traveled a lot, I live in a couple of different countries and we’re kind of like, “Oy vey, travel. Again? No.” So we’re very settled and don’t really have much of a fire under us to get out there go crazy anymore. (Wow, that sounded kind of sad reading that last sentence, ha!)
Yeah, I could do that.
Thanks for the encouragement and I’m very sorry to hear about your dad’s passing. That is rough, no matter what the age.
That is a great story (mom death aside, of course) and I appreciate you sharing it with me!
About 25 years, give or take some sarcasm. Which wasn’t apparent in my original comment, I guess!
Right? It’s like preemptive sorcery or something.