At some point, yeah, it’s on her for having drugs in a place that’s known to be super harsh about it. I’m the stoniest stoner there ever was and I would never take drugs to a place or in a place or from a place like that.
At some point, yeah, it’s on her for having drugs in a place that’s known to be super harsh about it. I’m the stoniest stoner there ever was and I would never take drugs to a place or in a place or from a place like that.
I feel for her but I don’t think the situation would be much different if Russia hadn’t invaded Ukraine. Anyone traveling by air should know better than to bring illegal substances. Even if you’re traveling in the US domestically from one state where it’s legal to another state where it’s legal, technically because…
I’ve watched all three of the available episodes, and so far she comes off smelling like a rose in this. Pamela is not portrayed as a bitch, a bimbo, or a slut. She’s shown as a woman with friends, a career, hopes, and the desire to settle down and be a mom. There’s even a scene where she’s being interviewed by a…
Shave the beard and add a bald spot and you get the Dave Crosby.
Back to no SNS huh
Gawker Media only hires minimally-qualified writers now. Pointing out grammatical errors, misspellings, and omissions of fact is far too easy these days. It’s like footing shish in a barrel.
“Pamela Anderson called it quits with her fourth husband this week”
Also, I was worried commenting was turned off on Jez because I couldn’t do it on the southern accent article. Glad to see that’s not true.
Bill Hader is funny, and funny is god damned hot.
Kendrick definitely looks younger than she is. Turns out she’s 36! Bill is 43. Very acceptable age gap.
I think Bill seems older because he frequently plays more aged characters and has an “old Hollywood” type of voice.
His NAME was Robert Paulsen.
Also, singer Meatloaf (Marvin Lee Aday) has died. He will always be remembered for his music and numerous acting gigs, especially in Fight Club...where he will always be known as Bob “Bitch Tits” Paulsen...
Oh yeah, Super Mario Brothers was a terrible movie, but I have a soft spot for Bob Hoskins
I just did a Google of Bob Hoskins. I forgot how many of my favorite movies from childhood that he was in. (Mario Bros was not one of them.)
I believe that since Bob Hoskins is no longer alive, the answer is no Mario movies should be made.
I have been a SAHM off and on for the last 16 years because of childcare prices. I’m still not working full time because my youngest is 8 and my spouse travels for work. I’m so far behind other women my age for retirement it’s sad really.
Yep... it took finding a public Waldorf school in our district for us to understand the importance of emotional development at the elementary school age over cramming information into their heads.
My wife quit being a preschool teacher because she had all the pressures and extra responsibilities of being a teacher, but was making less than the employees at the local Burger King.