I’ve listened to that one and it’s very well done.
I’ve listened to that one and it’s very well done.
Just recently finished both this podcast the article mentions and Doomsday Mommy
This. So much this !!! Also I suspect she’ll follow him soon after
TY & same to you !
Right ?!? I’ll make a world traveler out of her yet ....
We had fun and no one is funny colors as I found washable dye
I’m loving this particular set of lessons. So many things & ways to make it extra fun
Psanky are such a true lost art form. I was lucky enough to sit in on class demonstration with someone who was quite skilled and learned how to do the basics as a kid and meanings behind the designs & symbols. I was also lucky to have my grandmother & Aunt who were quite good at making them. You need a very steady and…
Weather has been wonky here with highs in the 60s and lows in the 20s !!! Spring is most definitely here. Fun week with us starting to “travel” with our pre school lessons. So far we’ve flown to the Grand Canyon & Australia. Tiny human is all about the “in-flight” snacks and getting her passport stamped. Hope everyone…
They are just the sweetest little things. Best friends since babies and it always makes my heart so full seeing them together.
TY very much
TY. I thought so. I feel lucky it was so very sunny and warm as March is not always this kind
Awesome! TY. I’ll definitely check it out later tonight.
Wow !!! Those are quite lovely. My crocuses & daffodils are blooming
Today is my mom’s birthday. She passed away many years ago but on this day I always try doing things she would have enjoyed. This year tiny human & I went out to have a little adventure around town. We picked out some pretty flowers at the local garden center. Bonus was their new coffee bar where we got a tasty treat…
THIS ^ .... every time anyone I know brings up gun control THIS is the exact point I make every single time
Right ?!? Her hair is spectacular and I have so many photos of the back of her head because of it lol
It’s such a sense of relief hearing my parents & other older relatives are finally getting there’s. And I totally understand with the partner thing. My husband works with the general public and I’m eager for him to get his but I feel like he’s more eager for me to get mine.
It is indeed. Bummed we couldn’t do a one on one meet and greet with the penguins (closed due to COVID ) but seeing the Hippos was a fun treat as I was not expecting them at all