
Except Michael Scott had a kind heart and cared about people around him, minus Toby.

What sort of surgery?

This is a dumb and obvious statement, but some of these graves could legitimately be holocost survivors. That realization make sure me very sad and ashamed.

Missouri transplant here. I can confirm that this whole state is a mess. STL and KC are at least diverse, but elsewhere is white lower middle-class without exposure to different lifestyles. Lots of blame placed on “others” while not taking personal responsibility. Anti-intellectual, lack of curiosity. Locals tend to

Normal Check:

Haha that’s a little extreme. Full disclosure, my 9yo tipped me off to this one because he only asks the awkward stuff when we’re driving.

Pro Tip: have this conversation in the car while you’re driving. The informal setting and inability to have eye contact makes it a lot easier to explain.

I’m conflicted. I don’t want the investigation because it’s a massive waste and illogical.

The full quote is even better.

How great would it be if instead he had made Election Day a holiday

Please please please don’t do this. Yes, all the points you’ve made are valid and reasonable. Yes, everyone should have been doing more to resist and organize for months and years.

Does listening to audiobooks count as reading the book? I rock through those, but usually try to hide that I listened to it when in conversation.

4 years from now

1000 ⭐️ For “Trumpanzees”

I can build things, including rudimentary housing. I’m a decent shot with rifle and shotgun. Basic combat/field medic skills and I’m willing to loot for medical supplies. Bonus! I live in the Midwest so I have access to all the best guns.

Is it just me or do apologies that include “I’m only human” automatically read as insincere? Not just in this case but across the board.

I’m not sure what’s everyone is so upset about. We should all know by now that this ain’t a scene, it’s a GOD DAMN ARMS RACE.

How will Trump take this? Several scenarios:

Totally understand. I just worry that this constant polling will provide a sort of security blanket. Maybe we just work and act like the numbers are 10 points off.

The people who think Trump is doing a great job don’t answer polls. Legacy polling methods are no longer a good measurement of the American opinion.