It's Pete Baby

Let he who has not committed numerous war crimes cast the first stone!

I believe you mean the hyphen

hunkabee’s knee lookin like a shar-pei’s face

this is so fucking cynical and gross. you have one of the Russo brothers out there saying that records don’t matter and he’s proud no matter what.....and then the studio forces a re-release with essentially nothing more than dvd extra features purely to chase said records and satisfy egos.

damn, whoever was on hair and makeup for this segment is about to be shipped off to the gulag!

that trophy gettin more play than Billy’s ever seen!


well if Marvel is the only thing you consider “big budget” then, sure. for virtually every studio but Disney, 40+ is a big bet.

he hasn’t directed a film for less than 40mill in like 15 years, bud. low budget he ain’t

such edgy take, careful you dont cut yourself!

i’m ashamed of my namesake and shocked by all the j.peterson stans lurking on deadspin.

i feel like there’s a metaphor somewhere in there for billy’s blogging...

thank goodness! i was getting the vapors!!!

CBS says Beyonce, I say The Holy Mountain

holy shit! Jim Harbaugh!?! didn’t know you were on kinja!

the comment section here is.......baffling.