So... All the information needed to appeal the fine (website, fine number & pin) are in that tweet. Has anybody given it a shot?
So... All the information needed to appeal the fine (website, fine number & pin) are in that tweet. Has anybody given it a shot?
If I see another modal ad that blocks the entire screen, I’m re-enabling ad-block.
I’m pretty sure that’s top spin.
It’s worth noting that the profit of around $1.2MM came from an initial $80K investment.
He knows he’s capturing at least a dozen of the top 50 photos from the tournament.
For what it’s worth, most new guns are sold with a lock.
Agree on everything except that Lil’ Dicky is not a good rapper. The guy is talented - he just doesn’t have the “look” and “attitude” that makes a successful, mainstream white rapper.
I dunno, it sounds like you’ve put a ton of thought into this.
This is the correct answer. Further, as Pederson ran back to the dugout after touching home plate, he walked up to Turner before going down the steps, and made the same gesture directly to him.
They should add this rule to basketball.
The goal that Honduras scored against us is something that Howard would have saved when he was in World Cup form, in 2014. I think Guzan would’ve saved it as well. He was caught off guard, but 2014 Tim would’ve been ready for it.
This was obviously done so that the NFL can tell the federal court in the Elliott case, “Look how uniform we are in applying discipline to our employees who we suspend for domestic violence.”
Great write-up, Drew.
Maybe not a chop tackle, but at least a Julienne tackle. I mean look at that fine dicing action!
Right, it’s because, back in the day, the plebs couldn’t afford to play sports on horseback, so they had to play on foot.
The pee from the horses, no doubt.
Yup, don’t try this one in Texas or we’ll shoot ya.
I think the loan deal was rumored to be 2-5 million euro a year, with a 40 million euro option to purchase at the end of the term.