He’s hosting a game show right now, I think on ABC. I’ve caught it a few times, it’s fun.
He’s hosting a game show right now, I think on ABC. I’ve caught it a few times, it’s fun.
lol sorry about your dead grandma but you have zero perspective about this.
Putting your GPA on your resume will immediately make it seem like the resume of a young person on first glance. (unless it’s soem sort of particular career field like academia). You should ONLY list your GPA if you are freshly out of college and it is VERY impressive and you don’t have a lot of other experience.…
I originally got into it listening to clips on youtube. Fans do some really cool animatics of the show, and it came up in my reccomendations
Many library systems offer their own online Summer Reading component or are planning to this year due to the pandemic. Please prioritize using their system over a large group like Scholastic! Sign ups = statistics that library administrators can use to show cities and municipalities that families WILL come back to the…
Are you looking to give away legos? Call the children’s department at your local library. They will ALWAYS take your legos.
He shoplifted dog repellant, not dog food. It’s notable because he regularly evaded dogs and victims said he had a funny smell. Also because who other than a mailman or a prowler needs dog repellant and how did no one ask him that at the time.
We get it Peter, you have a big deck.
Why the fuck would you intentionally involve the school, even the principal, with whom he was not in trouble at all previously? Have you never heard of, like, punishing your kid by yourself?
It’s a slideshow, the picture above is the second photo
...she means the frames are feathery-light. As opposed to the heavy, nose squishing “1970s retro classics” that the feathery-light update is being applied to, feathery-light frames (specifically that language) being a commonly advertised modern glasses technology. Yes Beckham is very thin, and I’d love her to use a…
Then sign her up for girl scouts; it’s where I learned all my knife skills and my devious behavior.
No. I still wouldn’t do this. If you REALLY want credit monitoring, enroll in credit karma or something and check it regularly. Especially if you freeze your accounts. Don’t give Equifax even the hint of a chance of giving them future money.
What does a born rich old man in real estate know about the wants, need, and habits of younger people? No more than you or I do. His statement cites NO sources to back up his claim. That’s not an argument; that’s shooting off at the mouth.
I mean, yeah, that’s the point of asking it with “guilt and shame tone.”
I’m not new, I’ve been reading this site for the occasional good content since 2006; I’m merely continuing (as I have done for many years) to comment on a lack of journalism ethics when the need arises.
You know honestly, this is why I fond this so annoying. Not only are there articles both here and at Gizmodo about how this guy is bullshit, but this site (you, actually) just posted a retraction of 20 “food hacks” by another bullshit artist cherry picking data to back his claims and. So which is it? Are you…
There is certainly an improper temperature, yes.