
Ugh, please don’t let Musk see this.

He’ll instantly divert all Tesla funds into making the ED-209.

Our only saving grace will be that it’ll never actually get finished. 

With the amount of money the airlines make every year...I’m sure they can figure something out. 

Trump is a such a dumb cunt.

I think your reasoning is solid.

It’s true the US economy is doing very well right now and recovered from pandemic issues much better and faster than others with the miraculous soft landing almost nobody thought was possible.

It’s the only economy that’s not on the brink of collapse right now.

Here’s a fucking clue for the automakers: When your markets are in the midst of a recession (or on the tipping point), raising prices, adding markups, and just being assholes isn’t the way to LONG-TERM profitability. Sure, you’ll make your quarterly bonuses, but you’re screwing yourselves in the long term.

I am honestly surprised the adjuster assigned to this claim let it pass because there are SO MANY red flags

um... this speaks volumes.

“since the insurance paid for it I won’t comment on how it was driven, just that a very large pothole in our washed-out road caused all the dominoes to fall,””

To be fair to the drivers, there isn’t really an option to “turn around, don’t drown” in any of our tunnels. I’d probably take my chances with the water over k-turning into oncoming traffic also. 

You would be astounded on (sic) how tough and capable the truck is.

Still the most amazing dipshits driving these things around.

I find it puzzling that we have the technology to shoot a missile up a gnats ass from hundreds of miles away yet somehow we cannot identify these drones ?”

With the hundreds of billions spent on our military, not to mention additional billions spent on intelligence agencies, even they cannot be inept enough to not know what these are. Either they know and are not saying, or they are the ones operating them. Maybe testing some new urban surveillance UAVs.

Theyre probably coming from fort Dix or whatever that airforce base near us is. No way if they didnt know what they were would they not be obliterated immediately. There are just too many military bases around us for them not to be 100% sure what they are.

To be fair, the plural of Chris Christie rarely comes up.

The plural is “Christophers (Chrises) Christie.” Kind of like Attorneys General or Grands Prix.

Or they know what it is and they don’t want to tell you.  It’s probably us (the U.S.).