
That’s about $1000 more than my mortgage....  (And my car payments are currently $0.)  I can’t even imagine that level of financial irresponsibility.  

Most of us were also exposed to hazardous levels of tobacco smoke and asbestos, as well . . . The world is a complex place and none of us is getting out of here, alive.  And who’s to say if more lead was ingested from our water pipes or from sucking on tailpipes?!

It’s the finishing details on that concept that make it look good. The production car looks like they got 90% done with it and fired the design team. The tail lights, in particular, are appalling. If you saw those half-assed Harbor Freight looking things on a 1997 Silverado with a flat-bed cobbled together from 2x4

Don’t forget, it can work as a boat, replace all the Navy ships with CyberJunk!

At the special government pricing of $250k each!

Work slowing/stoppage... just in time for the holidays.

This will change in about 6 weeks, when suddenly the US Gov’t will mandate Cybertrucks for the US Postal fleet, the USGS fleet, NOAA, EPA, and probably another two dozen agencies. Hand feeds the mouth(piece) of the Admin, and boy is it going to be corrupt as all hell.

But they created the electorate they have through underfunding of our education system and constantly attacking any legitimate news or information that they don’t agree with.

This is why I hate JD so much. He literally wrote a/the book describing the stupidity of the right-wing lower class base, then exploited that information (and them) for votes to further his political career.

It’s called the Patronage System. It was actually very much the direct, accepted, and unapologetic way of doing presidential appointments way into the 19th century (as opposed to the somewhat less obvious method since then).

Hey, remember how Tesla got Department of Energy loans back in the day to support their early manufacturing!?

It’s amazing how the leaders of MAGA know how insanely stupid their base is, and how shamelessly they pander to and intentionally foster that ignorance.

I vote for he knows he’s lying and doesn’t care.

Seizures are synchronized activity across populations of neurons that shouldn’t be synchronized. That synchronous activity perpetuates itself and propagates to other aspects of the neural circuit. In a small percentage of cases in certain people, they can be triggered by a sensory stimulus like a flashing light that

Seems the difference is a human says “hmmm, those bright flashing lights are making it hard for me to see, I’ll slow down” and a Telsa says “No idea what that is, best not to worry about it”.

As a real researcher who studies real epilepsy, I’m going to ask you to not ever use these words to describe this sort of thing again. This is not how epilepsy or seizures work. At all. In addition, real people who have real epilepsy suffer real stigma regarding their medical condition, and this sort of thing only

Well, that explains a lot about CLT. 

headline should be why an Indian town/region/hwy department didnt baricade a closed bridge. or is google responsible for that?

The Confederacy surrendered but they never quit. Now that they are about to take the reins of our federal government, we real freedom loving Americans in the tax paying Blue States have to find every way possible to undermine the bullying dictators that are going to spend our federal taxes to uphold their bigoted

That’s a really good call.