
Catering to paranoid megalomaniacs is generally not recommended.

Truck drivers should be given paid lunch breaks where they can get out of their cabs and stretch their legs. I don’t want a semi truck driver with one hand in their pocket and the other on the steering wheel.

46% is the opening bid. I bet he’d be willing to come down to 30% if a lot of his other conditions are met to a reasonable degree (e.g. that 8-year path to full pay cut down to 2-3 years, rather than the 6 that Ford proposed).

I mean, for the drugs and (willing) sex workers, sure... the guns and unwilling passengers, not so much.

Simply befuddled by this turn of events. Who could ever have guessed that men make emotional decisions about cars or literally anything else.

This happened one night at college, except I knew there was no way I was making it back to my dorm, so I just found an unlocked classroom building and destroyed one of the lavs. The panic and the relief are palpable.

But food poisoning takes longer than most domestic flights to kick in. IIRC from my waitressing days, you won’t start feeling symptoms until 4-5 hours after eating.

We saw how well the honor system worked during Covid...

I hate that Natalie Portman was dismissed from R+J because she was too young. Shakespeare mentions explicitly how inappropriately young Juliet is - I believe she’s actually 13, same as Portman - and babyfaced 21-year-old Leo easily passed for 16.

I want to see his survival kit. Even though I live in the midwest and only drive through mountainous regions maybe once a year, I’m reminded that I really need to be more diligent about keeping water and shelf-stable snacks in my car.

Dontcha think?

It’s not private anymore, which is part of the premise of this article.

Is the cat named Shoe or Choux? Because the latter seems more in line with what Carrie would choose, with the added benefit that it sounds like “shoe.”

AFAIK, that’s not in line with what the striking unions have said they want in terms of solidarity.

St. Augustine is really nice too. Lots of history AND nice beaches. But I don’t plan on visiting the state at all while it remains a hellscape, which means I probably won’t see it again before it’s underwater.

A house, an EV, AND the charging infrastructure build-out at said home.

I’m not sure intentionality is necessarily required. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse for breaking it.

Oh no, profit is down from 1.3 billion to 1.2 billion, whatever will we do. We’d all be way better off if CEOs didn’t love investor bootlicking so much.

Oh I’m aware. I didn’t say he founded it. I said he’s ultimately responsible for making them (in the current day/present tense).

I worked for an elite private college when the pandemic hit, and I will definitely give credit to the executive team for taking significant (although presumably temporary) pay cuts in order to share the burden with the rank-and-file folks - we mostly avoided layoffs but most departments had pretty serious furloughs.