Game. Blouses.

i was going to say, the internet is forever when you’re someone who dressed like Angeli storming the Capitol. Even accepting a pardon means whenever you apply for a job or meet people in public who Google you, those images are going to be the first thing they see for the forseeable future. Shoot, they might even make

Watkins claimed that his client was following lockstep with the president’s commands.”

The dozen or so pictures of him storming the Capitol building kind of make a plea of innocence a bit hard to buy.

I’m just a 22 year old girl?

If the hotel manager wanted to de-escalate the tension and NOT feed into the racism, he could have just asked for her phone number and called her phone. The Uber driver would have picked up and let him know that he was heading back to the hotel with the phone. Instead of being an exemplary manager and employee by doing

One time lost my phone on the way to the meeting with a few colleagues near Bryant park. Instead of blaming the first person of color I saw in the park, I used my colleague’s phone to call it and the cab driver picked up and kindly drove back to where I was and gave me the phone. I gave him a $20 for the inconvenience

So, your counsel is “don’t bother doing anything, because eventually Jesus will return and save us all”?

Child gets friend to illegally purchase a firearm for him, goes to a protest to pretend to be a cop, kills people.

The fact that anyone survived the Holocaust is just motivation for Miller to try harder next time.


The whole “Obama started the detention facilities” line was always conservative bullshit. Now Obama failed immigration, but the administration failed in its choice to deport so many people. Under Obama, children were separated ONLY when they suspected the children were being smuggled in and made every effort to

A white teenager with a van full of guns posted to social media that he was going to kill Biden. He taken alive and unharmed.

He fears that this could be the end of his academic career. I hope it is not and I told him so

I like people who don’t need to contract an illness to realize it’s a bad idea.

“In addition to the polyclonal antibodies, the President has been taking zinc, vitamin D, famotidine, melatonin and a daily aspirin,” Conley said in a White House memo Friday afternoon, describing Trump as “fatigued but in good spirits.”

Obama had spent seven half years fighting a Senate who successfully blocked EVERY single piece of legislation he publicly backed, solely out of spite. They swore they would do that the week he took office, and they never broke ranks. There was no way in hell they would have approved any Justice who wasn’t a

“Please fix racism for us”

This person was like “Look I’m about to do something really fucking stupid. You ready? OK here I go.”

Yeah, the Sheriffs of LAttingham are known to intimidate witnesses and the press. This was a clear signal to the press to leave them alone while they crack some skulls. Fuck these goons.

Sir, this is an Arby’s.