Damn! I live in Fort Worth and didn’t realize this was going on! I would have loved to see her perform live. Seeing her routines constantly make me wonder how the hell she does what she does.
Damn! I live in Fort Worth and didn’t realize this was going on! I would have loved to see her perform live. Seeing her routines constantly make me wonder how the hell she does what she does.
You don’t need to. Gibson went way over the top in the torture scenes. I saw it when it was in theaters (was about 15 or 16) and watching it, I quickly figured out that it was emotional/torture porn for the audience.
Fun fact: Gibson is wanting to produce and release a Passion of the Christ sequel that focuses on the…
Sticking to sports while sticking it to the shit-men.
Thank you for posting this. I was constantly going back and refreshing the main page, worried that yesterday was the end of Deadspin (NO ONE DENIES THIS!!!)
If this is the final post (and I hope it’s not) for the current Deadspin staff, know that you have another regular site visitor among thousands and thousands who…
Going to be heading to Mexico City for Dia de los Muertos. May have to make a trip to the pyramids and hang out with some of the good dogs out there.
Also, godspeed to Barry and fuck the G/O executives.
I really noticed Tobin doing that in the final game. The number of times where she would dribble past her opponent(s) and should have taken a shot at goal versus dribbling around in the box and allowing the defense to regroup and limit her chances was an annoyance.
Fucking hell man... Here is your star.
That is true. At most soccer stadiums they will have large screens to show the play by play. But in terms of decision making, they can’t be used for official rulings related to the game. Video reviews are only allowed via Video Operating Room or the Referee Review Area. Do a search for video review and it will show…
Watching it and listening to the TSN commentators, they believe that it was the Cameroon defender’s poor control of the ball that made it a back pass that lead to the indirect kick, which I agree with.
The antics after England’s 2nd goal though... goddamn that was a shitshow, along with the purported claims made by…
Fucking hell Iowa. The fact that he won AGAIN in 2018 just pisses me off. He was garbage when he was first elected, and he has been garbage every subsequent election he has participated in and won. It’s only with him stanning for Trump that the rest of the country got to find out how shit he is. I say this as a former…
Just a bunch of security theater put forward by athletic organizations.
I can’t believe I am just now realizing that.
That is exactly the same feeling I got when she mentioned that part of the text. He waited until she wasn’t cognizant to drop the bombshell on Monique.
As soon as I saw “Iowa teacher...” I immediately started saying, “Please not in my hometown. Please not in my hometown.” Was glad to see it was on the opposite end of the state, but still pissed that it happened. Then remembered it’s Iowa and have had some racist shit said to me (thankfully I can count the number of…
Sports babies are back!
My only question is this: how the hell did you all get through these letters without developing migraines?
I had forgotten that this was a “thing” until the article popped up. Now back to forgetting about it.