The people who voted for it, who proposed it, should all be held liable for the court costs. Bullshit legislation won’t stop until the people pushing it take some kicks in their financial nuts. Right now, there are no consequences that impact them in the slightest, so they just keep pushing constitution-violating laws…
This won’t be overturned in the higher courts...nope not all. Seriously, this shit is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
But it’s a dry hate.
I am dumber simply for knowing who she is.
As a history teacher, it’s not a re-examining, it’s a more truthful telling of everything that was already there. It’s not like historians looked at all their books again one day and “oh shit, white people are racist!” The problem lies with a couple generations of Americans who were spoon-fed this American…
F#%k these whiny babies. You know who legitimately has a right to claim PTSD, the photojournalist they blinded by aiming rubber bullets at her face
And then was so fragile that they turned commenting off. Fuck Herb Spanfuller. I don’t mess with sportsball, but I loved real Deadspin.
RIP real Deadspin
Deadspin Forever.
RIP old Deadspin.
HOT TAEK: I agree with Loeffler on this aspect - we need to get politics out of sports!
“Now more than ever, we should be united in our goal to remove politics from sports.”
She needs to be more “concerned” about this...
So you are saying he has COVID NINE, NINE, NINE? Yeah couldn’t resist.
Which is a shame. The Critic was criminally underrated.
the videogame equivalent of The Last Jedi
His criminal history is irrelevant. What IS relevant was the cop continuing to knee him down over a prolonged period of time preventing him from breathing, even after George clearly indicated as such, and while his colleagues stood by and did nothing.