
You handled that infantile attack very well. +1 grownup in the room.

Trump’s National Obesity Transmission and Factual Accuracy and Truth Act would make it a felony, punishable by death and/or revocation of citizenship, to publish or disseminate any photograph, likeness, or depiction of the 45th President of the United States which portrays him as fat, obese, overweight, bald or

INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS??? I got it too. IC fucking bloooows.

I got frequent UTIs, as well as an even more fun thing: symptoms of a UTI, BUT NO FUCKING UTI SO THERE IS NOTHING I CAN DO UNTIL IT GOES AWAY. Thanks, cystitis!

Whenever I hear someone go , “But why now? Why all these women now?” Let me use my experience and simple rational logic to explain WHY NOW.

Let’s all share our “crazy religious person hands out a Jack Chick tract” story!

The house where I grew up was pretty new - way newer than any of the other houses on the block. A typical one-story ranch house that you might see in any stretch of American suburbia. Likewise, all the furniture in the house was pretty par for the course. My room had a little-kid bed, a nightstand, a table and chairs

This particular story completely splits my listeners. Some of my friends are horrified; my brother became furious at ME (in a protective sort of way) when I told him it; but still others don’t see it as a big deal, or at least, do not find it the least alarming. In a few cases, people are quick to defend the non-scary

This is less scary and just paranormal..

Okay so it’s not really “gross” and I probably told this story before, but it’s still hilarious to me.

Parenting is a continuous exercise in picking your battles.

These comments are ridiculous. Yeah, something you need to go to physical therapy for weeks for (and then continue practicing what you learned for years on end) could totally be resolved with some wine or weed! And of course insurance companies would 100% be down for footing that bill if wine, weed or Xanax were the

BOTOX. DO THE PELVIC FLOOR BOTOX. The idea is that you stop the pain cycles in their tracks by forcing the muscles to relax, and then slowly build up muscle tone sans spasms. I did pelvic floor PT for over a year, and it was shit compared to the Botox (which my PT naysayed before I got it, but she wasn’t living with

Well, you’re right, a 6-month-old shouldn’t have dairy but their pediatrician will make it really clear that they have to move the baby to cow milk or an acceptable alternative once the baby is weaned.

I HAVE THIS! Although I have been sexually active since I was 16, it was always painful. Oftentimes excruciatingly so. And sometimes of course, it just didn’t work. I told my (female) gyno about this, and she told me it was normal to be tight and that pushing a baby out would help. (SHE LITERALLY SAID THAT.) I felt

Nope. This isn’t really the same thing. It’s not just pain, it’s literally the thing (tampon, peen) can’t get in. It’s the vagina clenching to basically make a wall to prevent penetration. Which is involuntary and drinking or drugs (unless it’s the fun suppository of muscle relaxants and analgesics that I have to use

Some of the comments are pretty rude.

I can remember being told to learn how to relax to relieve menstrual cramps. And I still get told to relax with vestibular pain (dyspareunia). It’s reflex: you have sex pain, they tell you you need to learn how to relax. I’LL RELAX WHEN YOU’VE FIXED THE PROBLEM, THANKS!!! (Though I can see attitudes towards sex

Huh, I didn’t expect the reactions to this to be so dismissive or mean. This sounds like a super shitty problem and I’m sorry you have to deal with it. One of my friends used to have vaginismus and it was no joke.

What the hell is with the comments to this piece? Was it crossposted to Gizmodo, or is this just the result of the Gawker migration?