
Look at me here stanning for Taylor Swift but here I go.

Okay but it also has a clause preventing you from bringing up their supposed sanctimony when none of them has even said anything to you.

The statistic about 273 disappearances on cruises is meaningless without more context. How many people went on cruises in those 20 years? What’s the ratio of disappearances on other kinds of vacations compared to the total number of people taking those kinds of vacations? For all we know (and really, I have no idea, I

I told my husband he was going to get diabetes if he tried to feed a squirrel a peanut at the park, definitely meant rabies. Still haven’t lived that one down.

No joke I asked for “hard water” once when I was around 20 weeks. When I got a blank stare I said, “WATER. BUT HARD. YOU KNOW? WITH CORNERS?”

Also, I think baby brain is real irrespective of the authors reasons, and its mostly due to exhaustion or just plain distraction. My friend is pregnant with her second child, total baby brain, even though all that stuff (parenting styles, childcare, where they will sleep, nursing, etc., etc.) is not a concern since

I’m coming up on 5 months postpartum and I still feel like I have a touch of aphasia. I say the wrong words or can’t come up with words quickly enough, it’s incredibly frustrating. I can’t even blame it on sleep deprivation, kid’s been mostly sleeping through the night since about 8 weeks. At the same time I can

hAHAHA this is great, I once found a internet meme with a bunch of words put into convoluted form. I think my favourite was the word for kitten being “cat puppy”

edt: omg I found it. BIRD LEAF

HA! I said the same thing! INTERNET HIGH FIVES!

Additional evidence: At our 4th of July BBQ, 18 weeks pregnant, I couldn’t remember the word “cake” and tried explaining to my confused husband that I wanted a slice of “sugar bread.”

“D’oh, baby brain!” said I, the self-identified radical feminist. Good feminists are never supposed to impute anything to Lady Hormone stuff,

I dunno dude, I wish more people would take my SEVERE PMS seriously. Not just a “haha bad mood cause I’m raggin” but more “this is an actual thing that is happening to my body

I saw it as, women are just not allowed to act on their horniness (when compared to men). She wants to bang him right away but she can’t because she’d be labeling herself a slut.

wtf? mother’s/father’s day aren’t because you fucked. it’s because you parent. i got my partner a card and my daughter and i chose a little gift for him because we appreciate that he parents her and is a part of our family.

I work part time at a job I love while my husband works full time. I have been tempted to go full time but I would miss a lot with my three kids and I wouldn’t give up eating lunch with my 22 month old while we watch Phineas and Ferb, or being home when my kids get off school to hear about their day for, the whole

To anyone saying or implying that this is a step backwards for women, you are so wrong. That is part of the problem, that point of view that women need to eschew their families in favor of doing their jobs/following their dreams. She is not being regulated to childrearing duties; she is making a choice to do what is

My kid is a giant almost 12 year old now. But when he was wee, I did the whole attachment parenting thing. We coslept and wore him in a sling a lot and soothed him to sleep and all the jazz. I live in Southern California and the Sears doctors were actually our pediatricians until my son was 6.

Let’s be clear, this wasn’t my case. We were asked to write an amicus brief.

I get what you’re saying, but at seven months, it’s more than a ball of unviable cells; it is well past viability. And while I’ve had an abortion and certainly don’t want any legal precedent set that could bar me from making that same decision again, I really think someone should be held accountable for killing a

Getting rid of mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases also gets rid of Dengue, malaria (probably the deadliest disease today:, and a host of other illnesses. It remains one of the greatest areas of benefit for the poor in the world.

Thanks! We’re pretty stoked, and hopeful that it “takes.” Stick around and wreck my heartbeat, lil’ chickpea.