Not every woman can take hormonal contraceptives. If she and her partner are in agreement about not having children, this allows him to take responsibility for the birth control.
Not every woman can take hormonal contraceptives. If she and her partner are in agreement about not having children, this allows him to take responsibility for the birth control.
Uh, wtf kind of argument is this? I can’t take the pill - I’ve tried many forms and they all wreak havoc on me. It would definitely help my peace of mind if my husband could take a pill and we could use condoms. Pregnancy could still happen but yes, I would prefer two methods of birth control over one. It would…
Some women though can’t take a birth control pill and don’t want to have to use or only rely on condoms. A male birth control pill would allow for this.
That was a very touching video honestly
Not always. Some people complain even if the mom is covered. I am a children’s librarian and a mom was feeding her infant in a little room off to the side where kids can read or play. A grandmother complained to me asking “what am I supposed to tell my grandkids?”. I was so dumbfounded that a woman would complain…
I like reminding people that they have a neck and can turn their head the other way. Amazing!
I am now imagining little stories about them. They are secretly a crime fighting duo. Henri wears a jaunty beret, Marzipan would like to wear a poncho, but keeps stepping on it.
I’ve been hoping for True West, to continue the Kanye compass.
Precocious Pipsqueak Purloins Prince’s Popcorn
Jesus Christ, what?! That is just wrong! ‘Meant to make it’?! What does that even mean?!
Viability. After 20 weeks, modern technology can often keep a fetus/baby/child alive. So, it’s not a miscarriage after that. I’m fairly sure there are medical differences in how it manifests too, but I’m not certain about that.
You don’t sound like a dick, you’re being a dick.
I don’t know if this helps even a little, but now I’m crying for little Bjorn. I’m so, so sorry for the pain you carry with you. And I’m so sorry you haven’t been able to hold your baby and watch him grow. I’m up right now because my niece’s funeral is tomorrow and I can’t sleep; she lived for five days but we are all…
I’m going to get shit on and I don’t care. The Dems are fine with it and so am I. I know I’m never supposed to consider any fetus anything more than a clump of cells, but when it comes to MY fetus, it’s just different. It’s my baby. I would never impose babyhood on someone else’s clump of cells, but from the moment I…
Exactly. This is about grieving process.
I was one of those older women who, for lack of any perceivable biological clock, tacitly decided not to have children (or would have been happy to inherit someone else’s as a secondary mother figure). Lo and behold I met someone at 39 and had a baby at 40. It’s true what they say—it’s the most wonderful experience…
It’s mariJUANa, not marijuanA
You do not have to continue to explain yourself. I feel like you’re being picked on for no reason. Your choices are equally as valid as anyone elses.
I just don’t want to personally take the risk. I would never forgive myself if something like that happened. It would be my fault and I’d only have myself to blame. I try to use my judgement and talk to my doctor about what is safe and/or ok. I have Crohn’s and went into remission two years ago. I never thought…