
The door was a metaphor for their relationship, guys! Rose was always going to be able to go places that Jack couldn’t follow. They were trapped in two different worlds! Also doors have handles and Rose couldn’t have handled the judgment of society had she chosen him. Also doors are made of wood and while the sex was

What a class act. And thoughtful.

The gifts to the nanny and the assistant are even more evidence that David Robert Jones was a oner in the best possible way.

Yeah. One of my BFFs is vegan, as is her now-2-year-old. That little girl is at the top of her weight and height ranges, and has hit all of the developmental milestones. Her parents are SUPER AWARE of everything she eats, down to the micronutrients, because they want to make sure she has good nutrition.

That dude was projecting so hard. Both of you lost nothing when he ghosted.

I thought this was common sense, too. What kind of goddamn filthy animal just chomps down on it? The same kind that allows food to touch on their plate, that’s who.

This adds a new wrinkle to “do you really need all that goop on your face?”

I LOVE how people just casually suggest that working from home is equivalent to maternity leave, like it’s so easy to work while caring for a newborn. The first three months with my second born were so intense that taking a shower felt like a major accomplishment.

She’s history’s greatest monster.

One time, I was just walking through Target, minding my own business, and boom, there was a woman breastfeeding a baby. I was shocked and offended to be seeing that in public.

I breastfed in public in Target for the first time at 3 months and felt like a badass. Well, in the corner of the cafe area. Covered with my ring sling. With my husband on my side adding more privacy.

That’s the solution! BABIES NEED TO EAT WENDY!

I nursed two of my four until they were well over 2 in a half years old and the other two self weaned earlier on. It’s more than a bonding thing because trust me.. by the time my kids were two we were sufficiently bonded. It is really good for their immune system which are still developing. My kids rarely were sick


Like no one has ever come up to me and said ‘HEY, HEY! Have you seen my tit in my kids mouth yet? HAVE YOU? LOOOOOOOOOOK.’

So avert your fucking eyes, Wendy.

The WHO recommends breastfeeding for 24 months. After six or so months, many add solid foods to the diet. “Normal” should be what works for mom and baby and nothing to do with what onlookers think.

Nice to know there’s now an alternative to using earbuds as suppositories.