We saw each other at Comic Con and just kind of stared at one another for a good minute. Then the entire booth he was working at kinda stopped and everyone started pointing and laughing. I swear I have no brother. My father did have some explaining to do however... I’m the one on the... fuck, I can’t even tell…
A woman RAN up to me at a music festival a few weekends ago, whipped off her sunglasses and asked “Were you sitting next to me on a flight from Phoenix to New York a few days ago?” Dumbfounded I told her it wasn’t me and she kept swearing that it was. I told her I hadn’t been to Phoenix in over a decade and she said…
Rude? It is more like an act of war against one person. Telling a mother that having to look at her child for the few seconds it takes to scroll past is so agonizing that she be shamed for it is cruel. The person who got that email will never get over it. NOTHING cuts you to the quick like hurtful comments relating to…
Jesus Christ, what a bunch of butts. I don’t have kids and I don’t want kids and I don’t really like kids but I do my best to nod along supportively when people talk about their kids or show me pictures or whatever because that is basic human courtesy and also I guess it’s really nice that people love their kids? It’s…
Librarians rock! I was an outcast in middle school, and was ignored by all the teachers except for the music/drama teacher and the school librarian. She would leave me books that help me work through the emotions that I was dealing with, and ALWAYS made the library open as a place for me to hide when things were…
Did you read the article? Letting a child cry and scream for two to three hours straight is straight up cruel and neglectful. At eight weeks old babies cry because they are cold, hot, hungry, soiled, or scared. It isn't some sort of babies trying to manipulate their caretakers and parent bullshit, it's babies have…
Okay, let me rephrase this: I don’t have kids but I have babysat plenty of children of all ages and none of them have ever been locked in a room alone for 12 hours ever at any age.
With my first I couldn’t stomach the idea of sleep training. I didn’t even feel ready to move him out of our room at three months, which was when we planned to do it. He was and is a terrible sleeper, and has slept through the night maybe 8 times his entire life (he’s almost three now). He slept in our bed for a long…
Mom to be here - while I’ve decided what I want to do as far as sleeping and breast feeding goes (bedsharing and breast feeding until probably about 2 ish) I do recognize that depending on baby this may not be how things work out.
Why is it that people get so obsessed with how much your child is sleeping? Kiddo would fall asleep around 8-9pm and sleep until midnight- nurse, sleep again until 4- nurse, and then wake around 7 until he was at least a year. People get offended that you haven’t “trained” your kid or don’t shove tons of cereal in…
When babies are very small, they are not even capable of manipulating us in that way. I’m not sure at what age they are, but when a baby cries, it has a need, either hunger, cold, wetness, or just a need to be held.
Every few months, I call my little sister's phone (which she never answers), and yell these lyrics into her VM.
This was hands down one of my favorite Richard & Emily moments. I loved how two glasses of wine at lunch was verboten but they start every dinner with big old martinis before the wine.
While I know there will be criticism around her writing of this piece— "she's self indulgent! elitist! out of touch! who cares!" etc. etc. I have to say that I didn't know anything about the BRCA1 gene mutation/testing before her first piece. It educated and informed me and my friends. This one educated me as well.
Most folks here know I work for myself, but I have this super part time job I've worked at for years. The head of IT there has gone on Mat leave twice. That's 2 full years. In one of her pregnancies, she was sick for a lot of it, so she was out more than her other pregnancy. Yes, it was tough on the team and it made…
if there are actual people that do this then we need a new plague
I went into preterm labor watching Finding Nemo. I blame Dory and those damn jellyfish.
I think you mean daud, eh?