SRIV was a lot funnier than I was ever expecting it to be (I was in tears when “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” started playing in the opening sequence where you climb the rocket) but holy hell was the ending of the “Enter the Dominatrix” DLC painful.
SRIV was a lot funnier than I was ever expecting it to be (I was in tears when “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” started playing in the opening sequence where you climb the rocket) but holy hell was the ending of the “Enter the Dominatrix” DLC painful.
Agreed, a lot of Trevor, Michael, and Franklin’s dialogue and interactions with story characters are absolute gold (Lamar’s “yee yee-ass haircut” comment comes to mind) but the attempts at social satire elsewhere in the game are so, SO bad.
There are a lot of very funny parts of Undertale, and it’s a huge part of what makes it such a great game, but it’s by no means a comedy game.
The video of someone failing every single QTE in a single Heavy Rain sequence is a comedy classic.
And yet here you are.
Less so since the McElroys left but I can’t recommend the Unraveled series enough. Brian David Gilbert is a treasure.
Writing for IGN really makes you FEEL like a journalist
Jim Spanfeller can eat every imaginable dick. Literally every kind of dick you can imagine. That massive, hideous, HR Giger-style dick you just imagined from reading the previous sentence? He can eat that one too.
Sleeping Dogs convinced me to get back into GTA. I recommend the shit out of it to anyone who’ll listen. It’s a travesty that it’ll probably never get a sequel.
So not only does Flayn from the newest Fire Emblem have horrible hair... she STOLE IT???
Counterpoint: Making Hancock wear a sweater vest.
Dorothea’s hat from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. I adore her and all of the Black Eagles but good god, that 2004-ass hat.
Play my goddamn backlog and stop buying Switch games just because they’re on sale. Animal Crossing is the only new release for 2020 I plan to purchase and with any luck I’ll actually play a few of the unconscionable number of games I’ve bought since Thanksgiving.
C3PO did say that R2 kept memories of his backup but that he had “notoriously faulty” hard drives or something of the sort. Which told me right from the jump that his memory was coming back one way or another.
The Quick Ball is a godsend, especially coupled with Mystery/Surprise Trade. Catch a Pokemon sight unseen, send it out into the world, see what you get back.
Microsoft releases all first-party games concurrently on both Xbox and PC so it’s a foregone conclusion.
Nintendo alone had an incredible year. Speak for yourself.
Microsoft owns Ninja Theory now so I wouldn’t count on it going to other consoles.
Odyssey was extremely highly rated across the board, I’m pretty sure IGN and Polygon each gave it a 10. Jim Sterling, who wasn’t nearly as high on BOTW as everyone else, said Odyssey was one of the best games ever.
None of his grievances had occurred to me un the prior 24 or so minutes until he’d brought them up. Then it was a rapidfire series of “Oh. Oh. Oh......... oh no.”