It's Me, Austin

I believe Conway. Also, she’s a piece of shit. These are not mutually exclusive statements.

I know programming jobs in the industry can be hard to come by, but nobody should agree to work with them in solidarity with the 250+ people Telltale laid off. No room for scabs. 

Admit to it, for starters. 

It also doesn’t work yet because it requires a future version of the Google Home app to set it up. This could be interesting. 

Thanks, asshole, he just got sent back to his home dimension. 

He’ll flip the Edible Arrangement for a sixth rounder and a 5’5” white running back from Central Michigan.

You leave WWE out of this.

My sister went to college there and I got bored within 20 minutes every time I visited. Her assessment of Hartford was always “it’s not a real city anyway.”

There absolutely is a scenario or two in which Max and Chloe kiss immediately after the final decision is made, and it’s waaaaay more overt in the prequel. Gita isn’t as far off as you think.

Sure, Jan. 

Before the Storm is fine, if a little disproportionately intense near the end. The after-credits scene is a massive gut punch, as is the “Farewell” bonus chapter (not only is Max back, but so is Ashly Burch!). The stakes are lower for the most part (until they very much aren’t), but it feels really comforting to go

I tried it on PS4 and there are far too many controls to reasonably stuff into a controller. No way in hell am I going to consistently be able to do what I want by flicking around on the touchpad. 

They aired everyone’s reactions live and it got very uncomfortable midway through as everyone was finding out exactly what had happened.

I always forget to say fuck Chris Conte whenever I write a WYTS for the Bears every year, but fuck Chris Conte.

Fear and cowardice. 

Fuck off. 

Someone didn’t play Arkham Origins. 

I haven’t had it in the Japanese style but corn on pizza is sensational. Y’all are just cowards. 

Calm down, Chevy. 

I know the entire Pierce character was lampshading what Chase is actually like, but that was a huge reason why I gave up after season 2. Most of the second half of that season was the “What’s Pierce Throwing a Tantrum About This Week?” show, and then two more goddamn paintball episodes and I was out.