It's Me, Austin


Automatron broke the companion system for me. Having Nick following you around talking like a grizzled old pulp detective is fun, but it’s not nearly as useful as giving Codsworth legs, dual laser gatlings, and a 580 carry capacity. 

He was on record as telling Courtney to “chill out.”

A few weeks ago my girlfriend and I decided to leave a tied Tigers-Rays game at the end of the ninth where the Rays ended up walking off in the bottom of the tenth. In our defense, the game was very ugly and very long. And also it was Tigers-Rays.

The AL also has seven teams below .500, one at .500 exactly, and the Rays are only three games above. Three AL teams are more than 20 games out of first place. There’s a handful of great teams in the AL, but hooooly shit is there a lot of garbage.

Hey, you just described private prisons!

It wasn’t green when he bought it!

You’re the person everyone in this article is trying to get away from. 

This website is also poorer in general. 

Yeah, I got nervous the second I recognized his last name. ROH is owned by Sinclair, Lucha Underground is owned by the always-scummy AAA, and nothing more needs to be said about Vince McMahon. It sucks to know how the sausage is made and still enjoy wrestling. 

Baez in particular will be fine. Deadspin is averaging one “holy shit look what Javy did” article a week now and he’s a sleeper candidate for NL MVP. Hopefully the Derby awoke something inside Schwarber, though. I still can’t believe Maddon tried having him lead off.

Schwarber making the finals on last-second heroics then losing in the finals to the hometown hero on a walkoff in bonus time was just too good. This format rules.

It somehow never occurred to me that Nathan Fillion would be literally the perfect Nathan Drake, yet I knew it all along.

As a fan of baseball and fun-loving human being, I love Manny Ramirez. As a Cubs fan who remembers how their 2008 season ended, I fucking hate Manny Ramirez. Even after a really disastrous NLDS against Arizona the year before, the stars were perfectly aligned for the Cubs: World-beating lineup and rotation, Rookie of

You’d expect it for a freakishly talented, World-Series-or-bust team like the Yankees or Astros if they were performing like this, but given the past few years for these busted-ass Cardinals, it’s just par for the course. 

America has been touting, making excuses for, and wallowing in its faults since day one.

Everyone is smarter than Trey Gowdy. 

Every white Cardinals fan is a snitch. They’re eating this up.

Cardinals and Packers fans are also the same in that they do not understand or follow the respective sport outside of their chosen team.

I’d PREFER Cheez Whiz. Provel has the texture of refrigerated leftover Tombstone pizza cheese, and that’s when it’s still hot.