It's Me, Austin

Do you really think they’re concerned about the long term at all?

I’ve been to Sykesville. He never would’ve gotten the opportunity to find a black person to yell at.

Yep, both of them!

If Test had been more dedicated to the gym he might still be alive.

I’m a baker in a major casino and we haven’t had vanilla extract in house once in the eight months I’ve worked there. Unless a recipe specifically calls for vanilla beans, which we do have stocked in limited supply, we skip the vanilla entirely. It’s a shame.

Pretty bold of them to chant that when their team was on defense with only one goal on the board.

I know a lot of atheist and agnostic people who started believing in Hell once Trump took office, just as a method of staying sane.

I was hoping Dallas would get better once they cut xQc, just to spite that motherfucker, but it looks like this is really just par for the course for them.

I remember when Rudy went on MSNBC following one of Trump’s presidential debate disasters; he was combative and incoherent and defensive throughout. Afterwards, Rachel Maddow, directing an entire panel of people who know him personally and/or have crossed paths with him several times, asked everyone “

Drake’s never met a Kendrick who couldn’t completely embarrass him.

He absolutely is that stupid. His characterization of the Muslim ban as an actual Muslim ban fucked up the administration’s entire legal defense for it.

I don’t think it’s either, I think he’s just a blithering dumbass who doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut. Remember when he let it slip that Trump wanted a Muslim ban, in those words, at the exact same time the administration was trying to fight that phrasing in court?

Settle down, Beavis.

Nah, but try it about six months from now once you have a healthy-sized library and a lot of data in there. I’ve had mine for a couple years and amassed too much crap on it to keep full track of so I’m gonna give it a shot.

Yeah, the overwhelming majority of mentally disabled people aren’t assholes of his magnitude.

E: Nevermind, someone else caught it. I’ll be pedantic somewhere else.

Trump didn’t invent lousy spray tans.

Given how stridently anti-PC “get off my lawn” Carlin was in the last 20 or so years of his life, he probably would’ve voted for Trump if he’d voted at all.

Pretty sure they stop in Mexico and Japan at least once each every year, they just rarely broadcast or tape those shows.

It’s available on Virtual Console for Wii U! It’s a start, at least.