Anything include make things better? Can God make a rock so heavy he can’t lift it?
Anything include make things better? Can God make a rock so heavy he can’t lift it?
That’s valid, but they probably should still get a shot at it.
Again, please do not inform my wife of said film...
I wish I was lonely. That would mean I actually got time to myself. No sir, I live with my wife and THREE daughters.. All ages 10 and under. I’d KILL for loneliness. I get maybe a little time before work and everyone wakes up and that’s about it.
This is pathetic. Seriously, who is that threatened by a film that has a strong woman? I know that’s rhetorical, but it’s just sad.
Don’t let my wife know that version exists!
You really need to re-read that again...see user anhedonic response below.
That is perfectly cromulent. It truly embiggens the rest of us who are dismayed at the recent influx of stick up the butt posters...
Let me be pedantic and point out the words “have almost” Chief...and I do approve of the direct action including punching Nazis and ANTIFA marching against them.
If you posited “The Daily Stormer” you have a point. However, because you SAY it’s a Nazi site doesn’t make it one. It’s just filled with assholes some of whom do believe in that Aryan horseshit. However, it’s also filled with assholes who equate liberalism with everything wrong in this world. Put it this way: find me…
Let’s look at your terrible English for a second “Never claimed I was thr only one” and “Except it’s not funny” clearly indicate that you presume, for everyone, it’s not funny.
He probably will outlive you so...
Yes, calling people an alt-right shithead is the definition of defending someone. I’m clarifying they’re not all Nazis. ALL of them are shitheads. Way to cherry pick and broad brush what you want to view.
Actually, I think you’re doing less. You’re literally making people not only dislike you but dislike the causes you’re championing, some of which are admirable and for a good cause. It’s just that with you advocating them it’s like realizing Kid Rock has good ideas for renewable energy. You want to agree with him but…
Yes, calling them assholes and mocking them is clearly defending them. I’m pointing out that assholes like you are the liberal equivalent. Cause not every poster on Breitbart is a Nazi, just an alt-right shithead. Just as not every poster on the left is a uber pious self righteous dickbag. Just you.
Sounds like you champ: you seem to hate everyone who doesn’t agree with every fucking thing you post. And Breitbart isn’t alt-right? WTF are you going on about? Do you need even more time to get your soapbox in order you piker?
And those assholes literally thinking jerk offs like you are the Nazis. Go figure that one, huh? Let me know when you figure it out genius.
You care so much about changing things that you’re......
Can you hear anyone else over your own pious self image? I highly doubt it.
Right: and this discussion is about rape, not those alt-right assholes. And yet you managed to jump to Nazis immediately huh?