Warren Oates

Is Zombie in the title? Then it makes some sense you fucking horse’s ass. And you state “IT’S NOT FUNNY”. Nowhere does it state IMO or just my thoughts but....

Show me where someone equaled rape victims to Nazis. Way to validate Godwin’s rule.

No, you’re here attempting to prove moral superiority and make yourself feel more pious. I don’t see you attempting to genuinely engage people, just attacking them and remarking on how incredibly ‘woke’ you are. You’re a self involved vain asshole.

You don’t disturb my worldview. As you noted, as a white Catholic male how could my worldview be disturbed? What disturbs me is your piousness and moral superiority when clearly there’s no basis to it. Ooh, you’ve read a few books! What have you fucking contributed other then baseless accusations on others piety?

Both sides can be bad, especially when the ‘good guys’ are filled with assholes like you. The difference being I’d go to war against the other sides (Nazi’s and Homophobes) but for assholes like you it’s more about trying to shame anyone who doesn’t feel the way you do.

I’m sorry you’re the only judge of what is funny. Let me guess: you prefer the gentle humor of a Gallagher? Please let us know in advance what you find funny so we can post in compliance.

Quick! To the Pious mobile! There’s a comment that may not meet your standards on the recent passing of the Zombies lead singer! This is your chance to shine and let everyone know your moral superiority! RUN!

No, we miss the fact that this site went from pop culture to a shitty version of Jezebel and it’s filled with armchair warriors who want to enforce their values and views on us.

There’s a fellow pious poster named “Recognitions” or some such shit. You and him should bond together and cry.

Speaking of Python, I want the full Graham Chapman treatment at mine. Including spilling my ashes and getting vacuumed while people make tasteless jokes about me.

God forbid the world actually does have equality: what will you get on your pedestal about then? I mean, you’ll have to find something to feel superior about.

I haven’t seen someone make fun of a rape victim, asshole. Just questioning the specifics of this one incident. You just assume because we don’t agree with every sentence you fucking post that we’re automatically in the wrong.

Go fuck yourself. I don’t endorse that concept at all. Stop broad stroking everyone with your deluded brush you self pious douchebag.

Who said I was straight? I said I have children, not that I’m married to a woman. Who are you to assign my life partner a gender?

That would only be if YOUR definition of intellectual curiosity is considered. You’re like a pop culture Nazi: if someone doesn’t follow exactly your path or train of thought they’re instantly wrong. People can LIKE stuff that you don’t, you know.

And yet your great works remain unpublished, huh? Big shock. Reading Marxist writers (I vaguely know Fanon: concede ignorance to the other) for the sake of being able to spout them on a message board is just pretentiousness. There’s a reason people liked Bukowski, and it’s the same why we liked the Ramones. It cuts who’s so edgy it cuts...

Try reading some Bukowski. He was a sexist jerk but he also wrote incredibly. You can be a jerk and make great art. Although I guess you won’t know as you can only enjoy art made by someone who has your exact moral turpitude.

No, I’m sorry that you’re so insulated inside of your bubble of superiority you can only see things in your way, with no variation. You must be a shitload of fun at parties.

Jesus, is there anything more obnoxious then the person who goes on about his own moral superiority? You’re just bound and determined to win most pious and moral internet poster huh?