Warren Oates

By the way, no comment on the African American I noticed. Do you even know who I’m referring to or are you just here to impress anonymous internet users with your sainthood and that you’re the most ‘woke’ on the internet?

No, it’s actually what I do. I’ll thank you not to be an elitist who looks down on what others do for employment.

Do me a favor: go look up any American newspaper circa 1890 to 1910. If you forget history you’re doomed to repeat it.

You’re not criticizing the art: you’re going after the artist. And I didn’t push back because unlike this weekend and tomorrow, I have a place of employment where I murder baby Seals. It’s very busy work. To say nothing of my family as well. However, this weekend I can actually laugh at your piety.

Oh, so the other ‘Ethnic’ directors aren’t worth discussing because they’re not women? You racist/sexist fuck. Spaniards, Italians and African Americans who are not women shouldn’t have their work discussed?

I remember discussing this film called The Hurt Locker and thinking, if only a man had made it. Is that how you remember that? How about celebrating the works of del Toro, Bunuel, Pasolini and Parks? You know, those WASP motherfuckers who made great films? How about Doris Wishman? Cause we’ve even talked about her you

Excuse me Sir, your award for “Most Woke commenter” is now available. You can continue to pontificate on your superiority now in the Ansari column.

He’s like the uber-Liberal version of McCarthy...but then again he IS the most “Woke” person on the Internet so surely he has the right to judge...

We defend Leslie Jones around here a lot...and she’s not my fantasy being a typical evil White Christian Male. She is for others of course, but we defend her because she’s awesome. Not because she’s my fantasy. Helen Mirren (well, Helen back in Caligula but that’s beside the point) is also awesome and not a woman who

Maybe this being a Pop Culture website? I can remember the good old days when we’d argue about the merits of the Stooges vs AOR music. Now we get pedestal standing fuckers like you.

This is a go to 10 line: God, are you an Asshole.

No, just realizing a truth.

Good GOD are you an asshole.

“Your own” - generalize much? Who the fuck is “My Own” out of curiosity? See, what you do is, you buy yourself a tape recorder and record yourself for the whole day...

Is it because unlike you we don’t paintbrush everyone with huge broad strokes?

Holy shit, do people ever get sick of standing in their holy ivory tower shouting down their moral superiority?

Stop using fact and logic! My brain hurts!

Big fucking deal. Seriously. He should be less ignorant but at the same point unless he’s also guilty of being one of those assholes, I’m not going to freak out about this.

Sadly, the first guitar solo I ever learned by myself (by ear, no tabs back then!) was Fastway “Say What You Will” as opposed to his much better Motorhead output.