
I had the same thought, even here you never know how they will go.

Fraser & Kowalski, my first foray into fanfic. What a wonderful, cracky, porny trip it's been!

"Grace Helbig & Hannah Hart", yes! (I also subscribe to the creepy world of RPS MonaBoyd 4ever!!!!)

yay for better feeling guts! (wait … ew.)

hahahaha it's almost like my favourite awful joke. ("how did the park get it's name? an indian rode a horse over a cliff and when he hit the ground he went BANFF!" see? awful)

Is it? Hey, I learned something new today!

The Gratitude Thread

Ditto. It's just another day in February.

yup they didn't really stick to the noir enough for my tastes.

fuck my boss and his stupid cold and having a one on one and I just know I'm going to get sick now. (maybe a pre-fuck this shit?)

Not much time for reading this week, 4 days holidays with friends will do that. So still reading Fangirl and really enjoying it. I think it helps that I've been that weird person who was totally into fanfic, though I've never written it, I know the "secret shame" of reading it ;D

wait, am I late to the party? There's a TI Book Club? (or have I just not read enough comments yet, totally possible)

I went to the mountains for my birthday this weekend. I saw a moose in a place called Moose Meadows, it was pretty neat. Went to 2 hot springs & spent a lot of time in the hotel hot tub. I smell like chlorine now and it is fabulous!

25 weeks? That's a great solid round number. Congrats and keep it up!

I only just now remembered the title cards between scenes. How could I have forgotten those?

We sure do, I see them almost every day! The whole park is still used to this day. I'm not sure about the jumping facilities but the ski hill, bobsleigh, and luge tracks are kept up. The speed skating facility nearby is also used by the Canadian national teams.

I want to see it for what looks like Fat Farrell!

The best thing about "Eddie The Eagle" for me is that while it was set in the 1988 Calgary Olympics, it was apparently cheaper to film it in Germany. Go figure!

I was really really hoping to see Curling listed here. Not that I'd watch it, but only to prove Ms Siede wrong ;D

really? CBS can just be dropped like that? That is so weird to me, I can't imagine the local CBC/CTV/Global being dropped. (tho for all I know there is like legislation preventing that from happening, CanCon and all that)