ooooh wait, looks like I’m logged in, but am I “trusted”?
ooooh wait, looks like I’m logged in, but am I “trusted”?
and now I'm over here!
Any idea on how long the migration of old comments to the new platform will take?
The Canadian take on the "brooking dark mystery" show and it turned out to be decent! Not fantastically awesome but it was still worth the time to watch.
leg disabled.
Yup, same guy!
Seriously, when he jumped off the ship I shouted at the tv "Poor Reek!"
I could see how it would be read that way, it was cut nearly the same as Sam's earlier sequences with the fluids. The subject matter wasn't you know, funny, but I can see it being taken that way.
sigh indeed. :|
I remember the post-Killborn pre-Ferguson weeks, where they were doing that weird audition thing. And she was GREAT. Sadly, even in late night, I don't think America was ready for a black woman to host a talk show. Craig worked out well, but yah, they should given her a shot.
this is great news because that show is garbage and I never understood why she did it in the first place. She needs to be on late night, not day time.
Thank you Franko for all your hard work running this again this year! I look forward to picking again in August!
yup, God nailed what it was I disliked so much about the character. Selfish, in the name of faith.
I realized in this episode why I dislike him so much, and "God" said it best. He didn't do all those things for "God" he did them for himself, that his faith is selfish. And that's exactly it. Everything he's done has been for himself, but all the while spouting about God.
Gospel of Kevin, they're already doing that. Its called The Leftovers
hehe I have, but I dont remember it. Even your wonderful retelling is not ringing a single bell ;D
Is Jasper old enough to remember his own name? I'm bad with ages, but you know kid could also have trauma and stuff, just not remember anything before the virus?
yes please!