
I listened to the audiobook of The Martian and definitely tuned out a bit with "the science talk".

I read Remains of the Day a very long time ago and don't remember much except I felt very sad for the guy at the end. I might have to add it to my re-read list.

The whole Dark Materials series is a favourite of mine. I read the first book as an adult, but loved the world so much. And with every re-read there is much speculation as to what my daemon would be.

Congrats on the new position!

Awesome! And sometimes no news is good news, right? Keep it up!!

Coldplay - God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
Coldplay - In My Place
Coldplay - Talk
Coldplay - The Scientist
Coldplay - Politik
Coldplay - Warning Sign
Coldplay - Amsterdan
Coldplay - Fix You
Coldplay - Trouble
Coldplay - Yellow
Coldplay - Magic

Fuck the work network, I keep getting thrown DNS errors when loading this site. Such a pain. What do they expect? For me to work? HA!

The same sort of counter-planning is going on in Calgary too.

yes is certainly is!

"Dr. Crane, your Glockenspiel has sprung to life!" hahahah that was a great line then and a great line now!

Sadly my love of Bill Hader is not enough to overcome my deep seated loathing for Rogan and Galifanakis.

I was reminded of the Ostentatiatory, or the Senior Council residence hall at the White Council Headquarters, in the Dresden books. All that incredible marble, the crazy ornate plasterwork. All it was missing was a water feature and buffet table.

I loved Mad About You, still do, and thought this was a great interview! I always forget he was part of Aliens, in fact he did a panel at the local Comic Con recently and I wanted to go just to ask him about MAY. pff, Aliens. whatever.

heh MAY is the only thing I can watch her in. She was really super orange in that one with Mel Gibson, ugh.

Have any other Canucks heard what station its going to be on this year? Teletoon or will FX pick it up? (my quick google from work didnt show any good results)

heheheh I saw an ad on CBC saying they had over 150 nominations and I thought "well duh, you provide 2/3 of all CanCon!".


hahah mine certainly didnt, but he was a bit of a perve. He kept insisting that "the rocking horse winner" was all about masturbation, without saying the actual word.

man I read all of that in their accents!

holy fuk no! (while technically I am old enough to have a voting-drinking aged child I have none. thank god)