
I love those guys! oh, so that makes me a middle aged woman then :(

It is!


Loaded up the Kobo with many recommendations form this thread, though still reading the latest Reacher book. I think I'm up to to #15?

Bursts of static, yes! That's how I read a lot of names. Or just the first syllable I can make out.

I started the collection, read the few from authors I recognized and then got bored of it. I might have to pick it up again …

Old Crow Medicine Show - My Good Gal
Dr Dog - The Breeze
Lou Reed - Walk On The Wild Side
The Freddy Jones Band - In A Daydream
Michael Penn - No Myth
The Turtles - Happy Together
Perpetual Groove - Three Weeks

ugh I'm not looking forward to doing mine this year. I no longer have any education stuff leftover to claim and I have no idea how my severance payment is going to affect everything. I will put them off for as long as I can!

Congrats on the successful move! Winter moves seem to have that little bit more stress, I'm glad it went well!

Blast, you figured me out! There goes my promotion! What was I thinking, that I could get you to spill in an innocuous AV Club comment thread? Too smart for me!

I'm sure "gas passer" is some sort of anesthesiologist but I still picture it in my head as some random dude farting in the operating room.

23 weeks, Fuck yah!! One week closer to half a year!! Keep it up!

What stories? And sure, we have a military, it's better than it was. At one point a mall in Edmonton had more submarines than the navy!

Fuck the show "The Social" on Canadian TV. The show is awful and the women are awful too. Ugh I can't stand them.

The Gratitude Thread

Yup, I worked in a call centre for a cable company. We had TVs on all the time but with no sound. That is the best way to watch this show.

Same goes for this Calgarian. House prices are insane here and it makes me very much want to move to the US. Then I read the news and change my mind :(

One of the best lines of the night: Aside from "Danger," my middle name is "Charm.

to me she'll always be the blonde one from "2 pints"

So really, there are no Miranda fans that love seeing Gary on US television? Just me then?