
I am so old, I remember when Much Music was videos. And the only shows that weren't videos were about musical "families" (the Monkees & the Partridges). Remember People's Corner? I do. ugh, so old.

holy fuck so much curling!

I mean, it's not so bad. It could be worse, you could be moving to Moose Jaw or Winnipeg. It's really nice in the summer, they've got a buttload of festivals and the River Valley is gorgeous. But the winters are cold and long and cold.

oooh yah, I hadn't thought of that!

oh man, he sounds like a real winner. (also bonus life points for using miasma in non-trivia usage!)

That's a good plan! I was in Montreal for work in Sept, it's beautiful there.

Is it nice smelling hand sanitizer? Or do you just like smelling "alcohol smell"?

good to know!

It was the best decision I've ever made in my life. Even just moving from Edmonton, and sort of made on a whim, I am so glad that I live here. It is home and I can't see myself living any where else.

Via as in rail, like trains? You must be out East then, there is no where good to see that has easy access to trains in the West.

Gratitude Thread

T-e-e-n! Tit-ans! Teen Titans! Lets Go! That damn theme song has been in and out of my head for weeks! And I've been calling a friend as "bro" so much he will no longer answer when I do. And also The Night Begins To Shine has been part of my morning routine for a few weeks too. Catchy little tune.

oooh Fiji. I'd like to get there some day. *sigh*

Come! It's great! And the dollar is crap so you'll get more bang for your buck!

I'm trying to decide which part of the mountains I want to go to for my birthday. Either Banff/Lake Louise or Waterton Lakes. It all depends on the best deal I can find before I leave ;D

I got the ok for the days I booked off for my birthday!

was it Hawaii? hehehe I had no idea!

I saw a list posted somewhere noting the "must watch" episodes of Adventure Time. I tried to watch it as it was but it's too weird, so I thought I'd give this list a go!

It is often background noise while I do other things. I still laugh at some of the jokes, even though I watched them as they aired (and constantly since then while in syndication).

I think I liked that season the best. Thats the one with the musical ep, right? I enjoyed the dark, melodramatic turn it took. But I know I'm in a very small minority.