Night Court!
Night Court!
Pros: only the true Charlie Sheen fans will get it when the band starts dancing along.
heh nope, just got tired of typing out seasons. It continues to Fall & Winter. Again, no-sleep-brain gets the blame :D
yes, I realized I'm following my resolution by breaking them. I blame 2 hours of sleep for the odd logic.
I finally watched Rick & Morty, though only the first season as my tv wont play the new mkv files. It was weird but enjoyable!
ALL OF THEM! That's my resolution: to break resolutions.
Fuck only getting 2 hours of sleep last night! And I'm not entirely sure why. Fully awake until 4AM and had to get up at just after 6. I am so tired today, the day's almost half over and my brain has only now just kicked into gear. ugh.
that's a sympathy upvote btw, cuz that's a bummer.
YES! Fuck the cold! We were complaining at work how we don't know why we're still living here, stupid cold winters. I swear to god I'm going to retire in Ecuador or Belize.
Started both The Last Kingdom and another Reacher book. The first after finishing the first season of the show and realizing it was based on the book by Bernard Cornwell (and hey his King Arthur books are my fav Arthur books) and the other after reading hear that there's another Reacher movie coming out this year and…
heh I read The Power of Myth on a trip to Mexico a few years back. It certainly made me concentrate on what I was reading but the sun & beach made for easy concentration!
Good luck on the interview! (And you're right, it's pretty awesome when someone seeks you out and not the other way around!)
Spring 0
Spring 1
Spring 2
Spring 3
Summer 1
Summer 2
etc etc etc
(aka Recomposed by Max Richter: Vivaldi, The Four Seasons)
Heart It Races is a great song, but the only one of theirs I can actually listen to for more than a few seconds.
This is FANTASTIC! And totally takes me back to junior high school. Oh man, all of this is great :D
Weeks instead of days? AWESOME! Congrats on a new milestone!!
oh man, I'm so tired it took me a few re-reads of the first couple sentences before I realized they want to name an element after Lemmy, not a new genre of music. I need a nap.
oh that's too bad, Under the Dome was good! Sure it was super-long but it had one of the most suspenseful prison breaks I've ever read!
yes, his Arthur series is great. I love Roman Arthur the best :D
eh, it seems to me that my breath seems more "steamy" when I'm just outside from being in, and less "steamy" when I've been outside for a while. But sure, I guess you're right ;D