This was a great book, and Franco is the reason I won't watch it. He was not what I pictured in my head either.
This was a great book, and Franco is the reason I won't watch it. He was not what I pictured in my head either.
I didnt know there was another Long ____ book! That and the Olympics will make my 2016! (Also, can we just stop with the Harry Potter stuff? Ugh, I'm so over it)
oh man, Toboggan cops! I hardly remember when that was relevant.
True, tho the sabres did slice through the snow when they swiped the ground. I thought that was cool. (& I may have read in Frozen trivia on imdb that you only see breath from actors when they've just come out of somewhere warm. The longer they are in the cold the less you see their breath. I hold onto that little…
ugh actual work, it's the worst.
I watched the first season of The Last Kingdom (lived up to the great grades it got here) and started in on Halt and Catch Fire (which is ok I guess but is no where as good as The Americans).
holy fuck! That's awful but also great about your grandad! (oh and congrats on the new car/date)
oooh that's a good one. Perfect for sarcastic AND snooty answers!
Thanks for the recommendation! I'm looking for a new series (I absolutely loved his Arthur books [roman Arthur is my fav Arthur]) so I might have to start these ones ;D
question to a late-comer to the series: I understand the first season of the show covers the first 2 books. I've read some Cornwell before but would you recommend reading the first 2 books or just diving into the 3rd?
eh, Lawrence of Arabia was just ok. I'd leave it 'til the 2022 Olympics.
Yes, I'm a big River Song fan too. Though my fellow Who watcher friend always argue about her. I love her, he doesn't. & this episode was the perfect Twelve/River Song adventure I was waiting for.
I'm grateful for my family! Christmas in the city went well, we did all the tourist things my brother wanted to do and Star Wars was great as well. I'm also grateful the weather here is getting back to normal. Above 0C all next week! WOO!
ugh, that's awful!
(doesn't really count but) I finally uninstalled the Family Guy game on my phone. I realized when I turned off the notifications that I never actually play it any more. More time for You Must Build A Boat!!
It's true! All we have it is the damn Tower surrounded by other taller buildings.
Sufjan Stevens' new album (and it's making me fall asleep)
ooooh Masters of Flip, they are the not-so-annoying couple. But man, some of the renovations they do you'd think it would make more sense to just knock the whole fucking house down instead.
Maybe there are a lot of LL Cool J and Chris O'Donnell fans? Because as you know, even though it's 2015 we just got the mid-90's here in Canada.
Yes, Donna is by far the best NuWho companion. I love her to pieces I think because there was no romantic notions at all with the Doctor. Amy&Rory come a close second.