
I loved his books in high school, the Dirk Gently ones were my favourite! But agree with you, on "adult" rereads he's just not as good as remembered.

I totally enjoyed Redshirts but no one I have recommended it to has. Go figure.

Gotye - Smoke & Mirrors
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Fishin' in the Dark
The Mavericks - Dance The Night Away
Chris Thile - Watch 'At Breakdown
Brandi Carlisle - Wherever Is Your Heart
The Planet Smashers - Too Much Attitude
Bhi Bhiman - Moving to Brussels

oooh, the song is good but I've not seen her perform anywhere. Youtube here I come!

oooh In the Mood is a great one! Actually with the exception of Springsteen this is a pretty good list!

Sex dreams about the boss? Its been sort of a good/bad thing this week. Distracting, but in the best way.

Ha! I could see that happening in Canada (well it did, back with Chretien) but I cant imagine it going down very well in the US. Like next they'll be banning baked goods

Fuck sex dreams about your boss that you can't shake all week! Fuck that shit! SO DISTRACTING!

Yah its bad. I get so weepy that I refuse to watch any holiday Doctor Whos with family around because I know I'll be bawling like a baby before its over.

Fuck ya! Keep it up!

Ahh ok, that's what I figured (hoped). I like the show but was astounded it made it to a 2nd season, let alone a 3rd.

Sure, it wasn't totally terrible. It was even enjoyable at times!

Yes? The Craft is my guilty pleasure. Damn the man!

Shit, was Undateable renewed for a 4th season?

Lucky you!(?) I'll watch awful things just because he's in them.

yes, it's good too. I love that her whole outfit, even the stockings, were green. (It took me many watches to realize they could dye the stocking to match because they were silk, a natural fibre.)

Yes, that is also great!

I didnt know it was part of a series and it was leant to me by a boy I had a crush on so I wanted to be all "cool".

Mmmm Matthew Goode.

Singing In the Rain is freaking FANTASTIC! What always gets me about watching Kelly (or O'Connor or Reynolds) is how effortless they make it all look. I've said before but Moses Supposes is my most favourite bit of the movie.