
This was one of my favourite movies when I was a pre-teen. I cant imagine it made my mom very happy that I watched it often, but I was a naive kid and didnt pick up on a lot of the stuff going on. Watching it later as an adult I realized what I was missing!

hahahah! Thanks, I'll keep that in mind as I go along ;D

Woo Fixer Upper! I don't know why but I love those 2, and the show makes me want to move to Texas every time I watch it.

You can only prepare so much, right? The playlist was just that little bit of "FUCK YAH I CAN DO THIS" that I needed.

awesome! Have safe trip!

mahaha yes! Or at least my "to read/watch/listen" lists swell to even bigger sizes.

Yup, me too. I said to myself "she's going to blow shit up, right?" then BLAM 3 girls in white.

Right? Like I keep expecting the "cut to: hey it all worked out" and it never happens. This show isn't about that, doesn't do that.

Thats what I had read about it which made me put it on the list in the first place. So maybe I'll take a crack at it in the new year ;D

Sometimes I find its the gratitude for the little things that make me most happy. Cozy evenings in on cold nights are certainly good things.

I'm almost finished Clan of the Cave Bear and have enjoyed it enough that I'll likely just keep going onto the next book in the series. The names are crazy though and its hard to keep track of who is who. Iza, Ika, Uba, Oba. ugh.

Sounds good but depressing.

Wizard and Glass was the first book of the series I read, man it was weird. The next one, Wolves of the Calla, is my most favorite of the series, followed closely by The Drawing of Three. (I should start a re-read, its been ages since I read these)

Is The Last Continent any good? Its been in my reading list all year but I keep not reading it thinking its going to be just a slog to read.

Salem's Lot has been the scariest thing I have ever read. It totally freaked me the fuck out that the vampires could talk to people in their sleep and then be invited in. Even that last protection human's have was undone.

That sounds really kind of interesting. Sadly though it would be something I'd put on my list and then never read.

oh yah, its a particularly gross kind of person who does that. I dont know many but they pop up from time to time on my FB feed.

Well that sounds better, even to my vegetarian brain.

The Gratitude Thread

Calgary is in what I hope to be the middle of a warming trend, so the snow we got over a week ago is almost all gone! Hooray for Chinooks!!