
Christmas Playlist! WOO!

Fuck that CBC had to disable comments on all Aboriginal stories published on their website. Fuck bigots who think it's ok to post those kinds of comments that made them turn them off. Fuck people who jump on the #blacklivesmatter "bandwagon" and then disparage First Nations. Fuck Canada for being so ignorant

It's finally December so I can start decorating for Christmas! Figured out my "outside" christmas lights last night and didnt have to replace a single bulb!

upvote for end of year lists! I love them too! And it doesnt even matter if I'm normally interested in the subject matter, they all suck me in.

Good luck! I found in the last round of interviews I did that an "interview pump up" playlist did wonders for my confidence. "Battle Without Honor or Humanity" by Tomoyasu Hotei is a fucking great song to swagger into the building to.

eww, like actual beaver tail? *gags*

Is the Dragon's Den twist "breakfast poutine"?

The Americans
The Leftovers
Mr Robot
Person of Interest
Schitt's Creek

oooh, Top of the Lake was really good!

I feel like I've seen that but don't remember a single thing about it.


hah! I'm doing the same kind of math myself!

It makes me un-Canadianly angry when I see Toronto AND Montreal on "world tours". There's a whole West Coast over here!! Sadly it would be cheaper to see him in Dublin than it would Toronto.

forget PVRing it, I'd watch that live!

How come he gets to be called Handsome Rob? Because he is handsome Rob!

I don't remember much of those movies except the utter disbelief that Denise Richards could be a nuclear physicist. And totally theatre wide, even the guys penises were like "really? Really?!"

ahhh that totally makes sense. Thanks!

I have a gajllion of them! Well, 7 for a 1 bedroom apartment. And the Hannibal one would make a good addition!

duh, it obviously belongs to Canada. We send all of Santa's mail to him there! H0H 0H0!

damn there is a metric fuckton of guests on Kimmel tonight!