I just thought once he found the right recipe he made a giant batch to save the mess. But yours is a good theory.
I just thought once he found the right recipe he made a giant batch to save the mess. But yours is a good theory.
That's something I've admired about JLM's performance of Sherlock, the physicality has been incredible in an understated way. Restrained but in the best way.
What I can't get over is the cheezybad effects on this show! Pheobe's shadow stuff looks like a 12th grade computer class animated it. Did they really not spend any money on this show? The only one that looks somewhat decent is Tommy's popping back and forth in time/space.
Not Clamenza's clams?
Yah I was reading about that. tho I dont think I'll have to switch to Bell, they'll just sell TMN to Shaw instead of of getting it from Corus. And Superchannel is a little weird. They showed the awesome Fortitude, and do international/straight to video kind of stuff. Enough that they're still around now and could…
Yah, I'm keeping them until Dec 28th only in case my family wants to watch some VOD over the holidays and then they are gone until GoT comes back. I can't afford to keep them for Paul Blart 2.
I've had the movie channels since The Leftovers/The Affair started and all the movie premiers have been crap. If the shows weren't as terrificaly awesome as they are I might be mad that I was wasting money.
Mad About You, is that the one with all the turkeys? That was a great episode.
Oh man, Field of Dreams is a great movie! One of the special features on the DVD is to play it with only the score and in pre-superinternetspeeds I did this often.
- I've been impressed with the effect so far! I've also been watching Heroes Reborn and those effects are just plain awful. For whatever budget Supergirl has, they're putting it to good work!
- I haven't seen Chyler Leigh in anything else, but does she always talk like she's just run into the room? Every time she…
besides the Christmas one its the only one I know!
The theme song to "As It Happens" on CBC, Curried Soul.
That playlist is the highlight of my Monday morning commute. 28 of 30 tracks are usually great but those last 2 are just awful.
I just want to be there
When the morning light explodes
On your face it radiates
I can't escape
I love you 'till the end
ah yes, my mom's favourite "worst Christmas song" song.
I'm just happy to see Elijah Kelly in something. he was great in Hairspray.
this is good. maybe by getting these down they might be completed!
Still reading Clan of the Cave Bear and enjoying it but not progressing very fast. Reading only at lunch has cut waaaaay down on reading time. (stupid motion sickness not letting me read on the bus)
Not Choke. Dear god was that bleak.