Ive been feeling off so taking NyQuil and my dreams have been as fucked up as your actual experience. I'm glad they're dreams cause I dont know if I could handle actually experiencing them.
Ive been feeling off so taking NyQuil and my dreams have been as fucked up as your actual experience. I'm glad they're dreams cause I dont know if I could handle actually experiencing them.
Sufjan Stevens - Chicago (on repeat for days and days and days)
Our annual inventory count is almost over! And the xmas party this weekend wasn't as completely awkward as I thought it would be!
fuck melanoma because now I cant see a show I had tickets for cause the performer has to go in for treatment.
I'm thankful for this site, the writers and commenters alike. For my family and friends. For my warm home and a fridge of food to eat.
thats fucking awesome, congratulations! And no pressure, but keep it up!
I don't think Virgil killed himself necessarily because he wanted to be Kevin's spirit guide. There's probably more to it than that.
Kevin convulsing on the floor and Virgil's brains leaking out? A disturbing image. The Leftovers doesn't indulge in violence as often as most other HBO shows, making the violence that does happen all the more shocking.
Our Miss Brooks is one of my favourite radio shows. It was always hilarious to me. That and The Jack Benny Show never failed to amuse me.
My favourite was the jazzy guy!
I feel the same about the Family Guy game.
heh I see this going down really badly.
Come on finalizing The Player cancellation!!
My guess is that TMITHC will be on Shomi as was Transparent, though later than it aired in the US. (It's a somewhat educated guess as I may have been be an employee and they were touting Amazon content when Shomi launched.)
Gratitude Thread!
Catching up on this season's Doctor Who! I'm only 3 episodes behind but plan to be caught up with the most recent one.
hahah you beat me to it! I was totally prepared to be the <insert standard="" 'i'm="" in="" canada,="" we="" already="" had="" thanksgiving"=""> comment.
I normally get a solid 90min reading each day on the bus but have been too sleepy to concentrate so not much this week. Listening to "Stuff You Should Know" podcasts instead. Stopped reading Three Lives when I started the 2nd part. The descriptions of black people made me angry and I couldnt get past it. I…
I enjoyed Night Circus when I didnt expect to.