If this were a just world every NFL player would kneel for the anthem after hearing that.
If this were a just world every NFL player would kneel for the anthem after hearing that.
Any NFL player with an ounce of moral fiber needs to protest in solidarity with Kaep. The very same flag that Kaep is kneeling against is draped behind this megalomaniac, senile racist as he cheerleads for billionaire owners to fire their black employees for protesting social injustices.
Shouldn’t the 49ers’ stadium be full every game now that Kaepernick is off the team?
Oh PLEASE, assholes. PLEASE leave when someone kneels for the anthem. Games will be so much better without you.
It’s probably my favorite news story this year and a great encapsulation of how 2017 has gone so far. I thought they were going to plan another one with better infrastructure for 2018?!!! And I bet idiots would still go!
I would have snapped up one of those $17 tickets that everyone was making fun of last night, but even if I bought one at 3:00 p.m., the goddamn stadium is so far form the city, I’d still miss the first quarter taking the train down there.
It should have been you, Zack Hample.
Last night Jimmy Kimmel lacerated Sen. Bill Cassidy for this (this is a must see):
If you tuck in your Hawaiian shirt you should be kicked out of anywhere you go.
Nice to see Chris Pratt getting gout and about.
We are all General Kelly.
After investigating the incident, the NFL fined the woman $25,000 for criticizing an official.
Get fucked McAdoo. How about you stop calling draw plays on 3rd and 6.
I didn’t watch the Emmy’s last night but I saw this on Buzzfeed along with a lot of audience reactions and Melissa McCarthy’s face was definitely mine.
She looked uncomfortable/embarrassed and he practically pushed her away.
It’s actually goodminton.
We know we’re not s’posed to man shame, but there ain’t enough pancake on the planet to cover the palpably hi-def amounts of polonium-fearing flop sweat beading on the crown of that fivehead. No quarter, traitorface
Nuns get a bad rep. Going to Catholic school for my entire childhood, I will say that I did run in to one or two that were a-holes and are clearly going to hell despite their dedication to their religion. But there are a lot more that are awesome. I had one in high school who taught sex ed, and she did not leave…
By these standards I have a luxurious pizza festival in my apartment several times per week.