It's Like That And

Let’s not forget that the First Lady also stopped online bullying.

Take you? Sorry—this is a solo project from here on out. That’s sort of the point.

What a lousy attorney. Can’t tell the difference between conscious and conscience.

A horse walks into a bar and then had to be put down.

yes, that’s why i won’t see her.

Keep Guam and carry on?

You’re overlooking the other possibility, perhaps because it is too horrible: That Trump gets reelected in 2020 and they run on a 2024 ticket.

Jay Peterman, world famous seller of clothes and the best the Jets could scrape together to play QB. They were also going to make history by bringing in Elaine Benes to play wide receiver but she refused to take off an Orioles hat to put on the helmet so they had to cut her.

I’m SO excited for this—I’ve been listening to Lore for ages now and am a huge fan of the podcast. I bought a ticket for his live show in my city, and I’m absolutely going to watch this (though I’m still more excited for season 2 of Stranger Things).

lol, especially when he has a penchant for white robes.

I think the dragons are the one thing the show does consistently well. I still gasp when they appear.

let me guess, none of the media assembled pressed that motherfucker on anything?

Either way, somebody needs to cut a bitch.

God cyclists are awful.


You were cleaning something, alright.

Not to break the poignancy of the moment,’s not like they’ve given you a lot of options.....

Yeah you were.

Because the emoluments clause only applies if Trump is given a “present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State” and the RNC is none of those?

Bannon got banhammered!