It's Like That And

Like the theory about Sandy Hook. The government plans these events to legislate gun control. It’s about as wacky as it gets.

The death penalty is an abomination. For shame.

It wasn’t even the pledge. It was the National Anthem. A disgrace, nevertheless.

Oh please, that is unbelievable. This is the Federal Government. Proofreading in every instance is paramount!

It’s two things: Money, and I forgot what the other thing was.

Peninsula Vibes.

Shut it down.

What if there was a class in high school called Firearm Safety? I am staunchly anti-gun, but he might have known the Golden Rule of guns had he actually been taught it.

Those images are so good!

We all know what Treezie is gonna say: “Hassan who? This guy is NOT funny, works for a show NOBODY’S heard of on a box that NOBODY cares about in a country EVERYBODY hates. Sad!”

And our Tweeter in Chief has what to say?

Bob Papa calling the Eli-Tyree Helmet Catch. “Eli fights out of it, STILL fights out of it, throws it up to Tyree who...MAKES THE CATCH!”

Whenever I am losing an argument I accuse the other side of “conflating” certain points or premises. Sometimes it works!! It shouldn’t work here.

“I was prepared for the possibility of this meeting!” - Tracy Jordan.

There is a statute thay says you have to report suspected child abuse. They violated the statute. It’s “statutory.”

More like smarm and smarmier.

My yenta mother - forever- has always said “CHIN DOWN” when I’m taking a photo. It works.

This. THIS would be delicious as fuck.

Well how bow dah?

Revenge is a stinky cologne. Do you really want to sink to their level? Let’s get more level-headed, science-minded folks on our local community boards, boards of education, state assemblies, and Congress.