
Captain Falcon

Anyone know of any GOOD workout/calorie counting apps? I tried Noom and hated it. Simple but I don't know just didn't feel that push from it. Any suggestions?

OH SH- i thought it was air stream left behind the aircraft. GOOD SPOT

that was another thing I was leaning towards to. I've ALWAYS had a pure android experience... well except when i bought a MotoCliq. WORST mistake ever. Bought it through someone but damn was it horrible ;( Gonna have to compare specs on both phones, I think Galaxy Nexus doesn't have expendable memory. :c or was that

Curious. The Galaxy Nexus is now finally available to ATT and Tmobile via Google Play website. Which phone do i get? Especially with "rumored" talk on Tmo's possible LTE roll out next year. Do i buy an unlocked Galaxy Nexus and not get an extension on my plan? or get 2 year plan extension and buy a (slighty) up to par

They already are. There's Angry Birds merch everywhere now. The best thing bout Angry Birds is that it's easy to play which makes it accessible to everyone. Now actually beating the levels is a different story -_________-"

Nintendo seems to like to drop consoles out on Sundays.

well yeah. I think inFamous was about 1.6 GB or so. It's on my PS3 right now I just don't remember the exact size. Well for a AAA title it's not that big. I suppose if PC gamers are able to do it, I guess console owners shouldn't have much of a problem.

There's is just one problem with going all digital. HDD size. Sure some multiplatform games range from 2 to about 6 GB. What about the heavy hitting AAA titles, like Killzone and Metal Gear Solid? They claim to take up the entire Blu Ray Disc. Thats about 25-50 GB. Aside from taking massive chunks from your HDD you're

I don't want a new console. I'm sorry. I'm not gonna buy it. I'm happy with my PS3. I can probably get another 5 years out of it. As for the Used games well that sucks. I always buy new, but I can see the implementing some kind of DRM that allows them to charge a person who buys a USED copy some type of licensing fee.

All you have to do is collect all of the glowing emblems throughout the levels. same goes for your scarf. it grows with each emblem collected. Gold decorations are added each time you complete a journey. That means from the very start, not through chapter selection.

All you have to do is collect all of the glowing emblems throughout the levels. same goes for your scarf. it grows with each emblem collected. Gold decorations are added each time you complete a journey. That means from the very start, not through chapter selection.

Nonsense. Kotaku uses fishes to cover up nudie bits in images :]... OOOOh now I get why they use a fish .... Hidden innuendo?

If Bioware wanted to end the series that way, let them be. STFU. Cry all you want. but all is said and done. There's nothing else that can change that. New DLC with alternate ending? you'll still end up paying for it and possibly hating/loving those alternate endings. If you're not honestly THAT upset, dont support

My local store isn't bad. I HATED going into them. I know they get pushed to get those pre-orders though. Which sucks, because you cant convince every gamer. Most gamers know what they want anyways.

Mass Effect 2 for 5$ isnt bad at all... might do this tomorrow.

FUCK YOU CAPCOM. It just makes it cheaper for you. You overcharge for costumes. Way more than enough to cover the costs of the download costs from users. You either make all on disc content available from the go or GET THE FUCK OUT. This is one reason I dont buy DLC. I understand that this is the new way of business

agreed. I never played the original DMC series... I probably should. But this looks fun and def digging the style. The fans seem to be butthurt about the change and it doesnt look like Ninja Theory is jumping ship from their design. Pretty stoked for it.

anyone want to enlighten me on the "Kotaku: Really? The last time you guys told Kotaku that..." ??? I couldn't find it -___-"

I'm going to assume you have a smartphone and a facebook profile. Get on your FB app, and go to a friends page that has the Timeline feature added on. it looks EXACTLY like that, the feed and the user profiles. You will see your cover on the feed though. As far as anything else. status/picture updates. People can