
Eh Loved it at first until it died down and realized its basically Facebook's (mobile) timeline. Love the UI on Path though.

They were gimmicks. Gimmicks that caught on extremely well and saved Nintendo's ass.

You should state it was a prototype of some super hyped up new laptop. Maybe Giz will get some hints in and buy it back for you ;)

Wont happen. See there isn't much of a buy back program for movies. You can buy a physical copy with said digital copy. Sell the physical copy of the game and keep the digital one. So you technically didn't sell the game. Unless somehow there was a game license transfer to happen at the same time making you lose the

Oh sweet a Google+ article...oh wait.

I'm sure what Sony is scared of is creating a program that can easily be abused by gamers. Unless Sony makes users register games online through the UPC code or something they'll receive a voucher code for said game. that code and download is tied to the users PSN/SEN username and everybody is happy...

That's pretty sweet. I was aware of using a DS3 of using it on Sony PlayStation certified tablets. Like I said this is getting interesting.

I wonder where you get that from. It's probably Sony's most profitable division.

Sony Entertainment Network. It's not a cosmetic change this will allow Sony to release the PSN store onto other devices aside from Playstation branded devices. Laptops, Smart TV's, Blu-Ray Players, PS branded phones, etc. Think of it as Sony's app store. Except it's just selling media. You'll get to sign in with your

Hope you realize that an "argument" that 360 users had was that it had better GRAFFIX than the PS3. But that was because some Devs got lazy. All AAA look beautiful, its just a matter of hardwork.

I agree with ya man. Rape is no joke, but like you said they're low life thugs. This is kind of everyday talk to them. It would've been great if they added witty lines while catwoman is done beating on a thug. But unfortunately they can get away with that. :/

Because you wont get paid? Copyrighted material gets thrown around this site ALL the time. You would think you would try to help push a home page to tell its readers whats going on then redirecting them to the "gaming news" everyone is dying to read. I love video games and I love following it, but lets keep it real a

No criminal in Arkham would try to rape Batman just because they know he might hear it and beat the living shit out of them. You also have to realize this is the gaming industry. Women have been taking up this hobby by the masses lately. But it's business, and if your audience consists of teenage to young men, you're

I fail to see where it says that this competition is for the most innovative or the best NEW gadget. Sure some of these are just refreshed products, but they got the consumers attention. Its a matter of favoritism. your fav gadget might not win but theyre all honorable mentions to keep an eye out for. also

Gamestop is also having a B2G1F. Details as follows:


I'd rather have a company shut down its services, find the error in their system instead of keeping it up and allowing it open for future attacks. Sure not being able to play online sucked but with information already / somewhat compromised you just can't allow it to happen again. It's not like you couldn't play

I take it that you planned on buying it used. I mean it doesn't affect you if you're buying it new. Sure its a shitty way of companies trying to make quick buck on used copies by holding off on the online mode, but this is a big series. It's gonna make its sales. From what I've played in the beta the multiplayer is

I'd love a action based pokemon game. Kinda what like the original Digimon World.

To be honest it's been heading into the all in one entertainment box for quite a while. I thought it was great when the PS1 played it CD's and with the following consoles adding various physical and digital formats. It makes it easier for consumers to find an all one in machine. Sure PC's are capable of that but I