
Cant be as bad as Killzone 2's dialogue. Which consistent of an angry Rico. "FUCK THIS SHIT!" "WHAT THE FUUUCK!"

I played the demo and thought it felt rather clunky. Which is why i didnt buy it :/ I might consider buying if EA does a dual pack or something upon Shank 2 release.

Is it because Microsofts servers get little to no traffic compared to Google and Amazon?

Apple didn't predict it. Apple worked towards something and accomplished it. They set up their vision. As much as I occasionally loathe Apple for being so pricey, they know how to make things happen. Giz stated itself, Apple is thriving where other companies fail, at innovation. I know Microsoft, Sony and other tech

Anyone care to explain to me why this isn't on T-mobile yet?

well at least I was able to place the order Friday. from the looks of it SotC is completely sold out.

I unfortunately bought the games online ;c

On Friday, Amazon and Best Buy held a buy 2 (ps3 collections) get them for $60 total. Now I could've bought them seperately, and paid $10 less? I picked Best Buy because I had some certificates to redeem. and now I see this shit. WHAT.THE.FUCK.

That actually looks fun... I'll consider it.

was the mistake the fact that he stole a Madden game? Also, he doesn't have to sell it to Gamestop. He can basically sell it to kids for about 20 bucks a piece.

Yeah in the woods! I was slightly thinking Helghast soldiers since the Chimera have about 6 eyes.

Chimera eyes in the background! as soon as the soldiers start walking.


Dear Chicago,

49 HOURS?! o_O oh man that's a huge difference. To be honest the only thing I can probably switch to a slower speed is the 4G. as for wifi, bluetooth, etc. I usually have it off. I even turned off the syncing on my phone. Probably turn it on once a day to keep things updated. I was going to mod my phone (HTC G2) but

If you're good at something never do it for free.... oh wait.

I'm a little android fanboy... and well the battery life on android phones doesn't always fare well :c

Unless you're out on the town, having a good time with friends. As your dance, drink, try to capture every moment of the night, send out texts here and there, your battery might be running low when you're looking for a cab to get back home. Then what do you do if you depended on your phone as your only source of cash?

I might download all the games when I buy the Vita. I really love owning physical copies but I feel like i have to make this transition :c I'm going to miss boxart D;

a green psp released last year actually. or the year before. I know they released a mess load over in japan.