
Oh yeah just download the demo like the other user suggests. This keeps Dev cost fees down byputting up one version (calling it a demo) and adding the entire game (just an unlock key)

Amusing video, hilarious article. Good Job Kotaku on making me LOL at work :]

I think...she washing herself up? She's holding a gallon of water. Water is running down the porch. Damn.

Picking up the PSV day one. so stoked for it.

I believe theres a better cover on the flip side of the R3 one too.

Vacuum sucks air (oxygen). Kills off fire. Same concept if there's a kitchen fire on your skillet because you let the oil cook for too long. Apply a lid onto it. and wait. which should take the fire out in no time.

You're right. If I'm correct it's not the air, its more of the oxygen that the fire feeds off of. Since the vacuum is sucking the air/oxygen. its slowly killing off the fire.

Is BloodRayne: Betrayal a demo or the full game? or both? #corrections

I'm sure we can get another Uncharted game out of this. LETS DO IT NAUGHTY DOG

For the record, it's not necessarily Android releasing a phone every month. Its manufacturers releasing new phones every few months. Dont get me wrong, some of them have some what nailed the yearly releases with their different variations, such as the Droid, MyTouch, and Galaxy Phones. Theres always some flops but

This shit is going to get UGLY.

Couldn't Google license those "18 important patents" to the other manufacturers to help keep the patent wars from brewing between the companies?

I'm sure it has a lot to do with being able to play the game originally as intended. Sure they might lose interest from other players who LOVE mods, but the game that they ship isnt one for modification. Like the article states, they're looking into them and probably will release em in the future. Possibly when the

What Criterion needs to do is get on another Burnout Paradise-esque game. Slap on the Frostbite 2 engine. and deliver! That would be gold! In a way it would be the next MotorStorm, but well free roam and with supercars. STOKED. SOMEONE GET ME HEAD OF EA. I HAVE A JOB WAITING FOR ME

Ya sure it's not Cole from Infamous?

They're not the best games you'll ever play but they do have a certain awesomeness to them. How can you hate a guy that gets revenge on the Gods? Now that all GOW games are out on HD should be a lot more fun to enjoy right? :]

From my understanding, you can transfer John's cash onto your own card? That's a pretty fucked flaw in Starbucks cards if you ask me. I do find it that Mr Odio decided to have a little fun with this, but people are going to exploit the project for their own personal gain. At least Sam came out and told the world that

Most people probably don't realize that what they're looking in the night sky might not be there anymore. Still pretty crazy if you ask me.

Because it's hidden. One of my PHONE contacts was a lawyer. upon looking this up, FB synced up his FB profile under the FB website contact page. In a way I'm sure people would want their social/private lives separate from their professional life. Facebook is manipulating the data its collecting for us to "find" our

Faster boot times, more responsive, and better battery life! :D