
I'm pretty sure its inevitable for a console to encounter that. I think the PS3, 360, PSP, and 3DS are encountered the same problem. I for one am glad that Uncharted and Super Star Dust are reaching the platform.

IMO I was probably most impressed on the Vita and the cross platform gameplay with LBP and MNR. With other titles to come. I really do miss the UI on the Vita but I really think that Sony is going to push the envelope with the Vita.

Someone missed Uncharted and LittleBigPlanet on the PS3.

Thats exactly what I'm saying. They finally get 3rd party support and have prettier games. but lets be real. That ship sailed back in 2007. I'll stick to my PS3, and I'm sure the Wii U's starting line up. Most likely the new Zelda and Mario, will probably be on the Wii as well.

PS Vita

Not to downplay what the rumors have been circulating but lets be real. They HAVE to be working on their next gen. There was always that argument that "PC" gaming is better than consoles because they still look better, and allow for mods. But these consoles are getting there. We're going to get to a point where

I'm not convinced. Not yet. I'm glad Nintendo is getting into the "graphics" game and making a powerful console capable of handling other complicated, detailed commands in video games. But what makes it different from the PS3 and 360 out now? We all know Sony and Microsoft are working hard to making NEXT gen consoles.

Played the Infamous 2 demo yesterday. Honestly fell in love with it. I love how it feels faster, the powers look a lot more polished/bad ass, and the destructible enviroments. The trailer after it ending leaves me hanging for more. I just hope the X-Men game coming out this year can take a hint.

Definitely loved No Games Portable too. It just suits it.

Is this an Uncharted 2 remake?

this is honestly the best account ever.

I read an article a while back that he doesn't enjoy watching himself on the big screen anyways. :|

The PSP version, not sure if the same devs made it though.

its skynet. D:

for some reason I think my taxes were done wrong. since well I work at two locations the return seemed well small. :c

Maybe from the start Crash, but now youre kinda looking at a family of mascots. Sackboy, Drake, Kratos, Helghast, and Ratchet.

Killzone 3 just recently came out. Although it takes place in space, the enemies are actually Human (named Helghan because of the Corporation/Planet they live on)

God of War fighting game based on the characters in the game? Totally called it and its my SHARE idea on the PS site. just saying.

Its not hollowed out like an actual helmet :c