
It did shock me at first. I love t-mobile and well nothing about AT&T intrigues me to switch over. I'd jump on Verizon if anything. I'm no wiz when it comes to mergers and what not, but this might be a good thing. AT&T might offer new plans, cheaper prices, even if it temporary. Not much I can do about it. But shit


To add to your article, and response, as well as anyone else reading. This is a TROPHY list. whether or not all the characters have the same characteristics, the trophies are there to replay the game. If you can get the trophy with other characters great. but the game is giving you that option to play as a female

Hum this is interesting. Sure it might not look as good as the PS3 but its definitely looking as good as the PS2 and then some. I'm sure dev's will find a way to use the rear touch pad as the L2 and R2 buttons. IF they do can we say PS2 games on PSN store...and possible BC back onto PS3's ;) This is just me getting

Funny how people forget that Cole is gaining a few new powers in this game. I believe I saw ICE being one of them from earlier trailers. Some sort of magnetism as well.

@Nort_Thalem: I actually the move is top notch for RE5. You might want to check out the forums over at gamefaqs and see what they say.

It'll def be a great way to transfer game saves! But the whole protecting game saves is fucking ridiculous. Its one thing to lock it onto your PS3. How about protecting it TO your PSN account? maybe then even more people will HAVE to sign up and well it'll be easier for us space hording freaks who like to keep

I would say my favorite part about the whole machine although it only has one pair of shoulder buttons I'm sure that the back panel can and will replace the 2nd pair. Which excites me ;]

@MSUHitman: I think they tried and they confronted rights issues :/ so they trashed the idea. for now. Hopefully they find a work around.

Sometimes I like to think of Earth as a little experiment by some aliens from some other galaxy. c:


Maybe I'll pick up ME2 for PS3 down the line. I'm trying to keep from spending so much this year :/

Kinda pointless to link to an article on a leaked trailer which has been removed. :C

Can we get the history of Kotaku anytime soon? just sayin'

@maythetechbewithyou: Oh don't get me wrong. I'm all for it to keep the piracy down. PSP was hit HARD with it which kept devs away from it. :/

@Stevox: Its not announced yet, so maybe they'll be a nice little feature added here and there :]

I really do think Sony is going to push some type of DRM by adding the 3G connectivity on the PSP-Phone and PSP2.

Looks like Sony just got themselves a new Greatest Hits. Hum maybe a new MGS4 with bonus features?!?! :D