
@Toshi: Its not game related :/

Hum being a graphic designer... well an associates degree's worth. I'm going to try to come up with something worthy.

@Jonn: This is an OUT-RAGE

I wear tapout shirts because it makes me feel that hot chicks will want me. It hasnt worked yet but it will one day!

I dont understand whats going on during the doom part :C

I'm sure downloading 30-50GB AAA PS3 games is going to happen. At least Sony's main devs will be safe :D

@Goldwings: I would say Squirtle's and Totodile's did!

This wouldve been great a few weeks back before Christmas -_-"

I understand we dont want the youth/ our kids to run around being little perverts. but we have to come with terms that they will be curious and they'll get their hands on adult content no matter what.

Yay front facing camera!! :D

I would love to take that Android doll and Nexus S off their hands! C'MON GOOGLE! ;_;

@Nookyn: and pay $10k for it :|

why dont I think of this?! -_-"

Kind of ironic how I just the NFS article and how people like to play games to get away from reality. Yet games are becoming reality themselves. Besides being our gateway out of our lifes because of stress or just for sheer entertainment. We're focusing a lot on details and realism that we're beginning to play a

@Foxhack: I beg to differ. its COMPLETELY related.

@Datacide: I agree with you. Thats one reason I love the mute button!

@Datacide: Somewhat. I believe people get a bit too caught up in multi-player, that they forget to have fun. But it is pretty messed up for someone to think its funny to kick random people just for shits and giggles.

Online multiplayer: Serious business.