
Isnt there something in the opening credits stating that anyone resembling any of the characters in the game is unintentional?

@LeftClicker105: You could blame engadget for posting the link as a source then. :|

Giz, you fail to mention at the fact that people can sign up for the pilot program! and get a free netbook via Google ;)

Hoping for some ingame gameplay footage soon.

The analog stick wouldve gotten in the way of the face buttons we all know and love. :/

I think video games have held their front that theyre a nice push for the economy. Especially when most gamers are older now and dont mind some blood here and there.

@Faux Bravo: I'm sure if you went to the whichever store and try to "rebuy" any DLC and what not. it will state you already bought it. So I'm sure they wouldnt try to scam you out of money. Well they already are with DLC packs.

@Killer Toilet: A rule in 3D modeling - if you can't see it, dont make it or detail it. it saves time.

@jacobestes: LOL'ED. All the guy did was order toner for the hospital. Possibly had another small job on the side.

@Black Knight Rebel: WHOOPSIE. misread it. I'm sure both mightve covered it. but its more along the lines of, if the Airforce needs to replace any of these...they cant :| []

@Black Knight Rebel: I read an article either on here or on Gizmodo where the situation was brought up.

what happened with the FW update that removed Linux from running on those machines? Didnt the airforce get pretty mad about that?

@DocSeuss: I've played quite a few. Red Dead Redemption being right up there.

@DocSeuss: PFFFT Heavy Rain is game of the year for me.

If theyre trying to preserve it, WHY THE HELL ARE THEY TRYING TO SELL IT?!

I really wonder how this will turn out in 2 years. Will people still use their Kinect and Move?! Kinda stoked to see what MS and Sony have in store for both.

I highly suggest My Work Clock for Android if Giz hasnt covered it yet. Great to keep track of your work hours.