“I mean how are white people even mad that she’s playing an alien, that’s orange?”
“I mean how are white people even mad that she’s playing an alien, that’s orange?”
Crystle Galloway, were told they couldn’t afford the ambulance ride because they didn’t have insurance.
Let’s all remember that “I’m ready for my close-up” originally meant [Norma Desmond] had - after having committed murder over not getting her way - gone fully insane.
Id be disappointed if Whoopi DIDN'T tell her to fuck herself.
I had forgotten she existed. I miss those days.
You say selfish bitch (like it’s a bad thing), I say we have healthy boundaries.
Yeah, this is nice but no. I’m not giving my vacation time to someone else. Mostly because I’ve spent a lot of money and energy celebrating other people’s marriages and kids and will never get any of that back since I’m perpetually single and have no interest in having children at all. Yes, I’m a selfish bitch and…
Damn, that’s a hard 29.
The vast majority of black clubs will not stop white people from coming in and you know it. Go sit your Country Time Lemonade sipping ass down somewhere with that bullshit.
I don’t want to be anyplace where I’m not wanted. Fuck Deco, Bubba and Becky can have it.
“im not blaming, but....”
I’m guessing these trolls have never known the pain of a friend or family member taking their life. Having gone to a funeral less than a week ago for a family member who died by suicide I can tell them that every goddamn person who walked by that casket probably asked themselves what they could have done differently…
are you new here
Or at best, they’re just a bunch of Fortnite-referencing manboys:
Under Ohio law, strippers are not allowed to touch patrons—unless it’s a family member.
Not only was she born into wealth, she was born to someone who was an incredibly successful businesswoman, with parents and siblings with a shit ton of connections to the business, fashion, and beauty world. Literally everything she needed in order to make her business a success, she had. What would be incredible…
I remember a tweet saying yt people’s “locs” look like Grinch fingers and I haven’t been right since...
I havent had a chance to listen to everything get, but, i agree with you based on what ive read so far.
“I want to regain my name and my reputation and my life back,..”
Hot take: most of VB’s rings are gauuuddddyyy. Don’t @ me*.